Marijuana - Consequences from Use and Diving

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Having spent more than a few nights totaly zoned out focused on some trivial task/music/event/conversation in a "misspent youth" I can imagine that diving while stoned would be interesting. could just as easily be deadly as by definition your cognitive faculties are impaired. Something goes wrong you might not even notice, might not even notice air was running low.

Find another buddy, your diving solo.
Anecdotal evidence produced via 40 year old memory. Not that I doubt you, but Rick it's been 40 years. Times have changed and so has the industry. It's just not cost effective to add anything. Modern hydroponics can produce much more potency with the same nutrients you use on tomatoes. Anything added is just foolish and a waste of effort. Now that being said, people make meth in the bath tub. So no accounting for some peoples stupidity.
Now if you really want to get into it about black market "impurities", there is no one to blame but those that choose to make it illegal.
Having it illegal is what creates the crime and shifty tactics you reference.
The only good argument I've heard is lack of reliable roadside testing, but can you do a reliable roadside test for prozac? One that would hold up in court? How about one for any of the other hundreds of legal scripts that people drive on everyday that they shouldn't be?

Rick Murchison:
See what I mean? Peein' in the wind.
FWIW, I had a friend at UT in '66 who ended up in the state mental institution when the local suppliers got into a little turf war to capture market share by having the "best *****" - they were lacing with all kinds of stuff and a lot of kids had interesting, some nauseaus, and some downright bad "trips." We never did figure out what happened to our buddy, but he just never came down.
Business is business, and market share is market share. A seller who wants to move in, or one who sees his sales tanking is liable to invest in a little "loss leader" - but don't believe me, I don't do dope, and so I must not know anything about it.
That brings up another matter. If someone wants to conduct illegal activities like posessing or using illegal drugs, they'd best choose a boat I'm not on. I don't take putting me at risk of even being suspected of participating in such activities kindly.
Had drinks the other evening at a Bar in Tampa. Started chatting with a couple of guys at the next table, both divers. The younger of the two informed me with pride that he had been diving while under the influence of acid on a number of occasions!!!! I smiled and asked him to say hello to Jacques Cousteau the next he saw him, which I assured the guy would be sooner rather than later.....

Thanks everyone- for your imput so far.
I think this is an important issue.

I must admit I didn't enjoy the second dive at all.
If it happens again I wont accept the person as a buddy, but most people who smoke in the morning, before a dive won't advertise the fact.

Uncool Dude over 40
Now if you really want to get into it about black market "impurities", there is no one to blame but those that choose to make it illegal.
Having it illegal is what creates the crime and shifty tactics you reference.

Not necessarily. Look up the cr@p the tobacco companies put in cigarettes. :reaper: :hanged: :soapbox:

By the way: I have been free and healing for One Month, Three Days, 20 Hours and 43 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 9 Hours, by NOT smoking 976 sickarettes, which would have cost me $150.06 for the wonderful privilege of murdering myself. :)
Just to play the devil's advocate here...

The OP stated that the weed smoking came out during the SI. Apparently, nobody noticed that the evildoer was off-kilter before the dive.

Was a buddy check done? Did you or anyone speak to your buddy before the dive? Did they appear lucid and cognizant or spacy and incoherant?

Since she was so open about it, had she smoked previous to getting on the boat? How was her diving? Did she turn into a reefer-mad raving lunatic when she hit the water, or was she ok?

I'm certainly not condoning any illegal activity, but some of the responses on this thread certainly seem over the top (think Reefer Madness). Odds are that if you've ever been boat diving and picked up a buddy, unless you know them VERY well, you've been diving with or in the vicinity of people who are on mood/mind altering drugs. Doctor prescribed or not. Very few people who are on medicine (even prescribed) feel obligated to open their medical history to just anyone - even friends and associates.
I, too, have heard of divers who have dived on acid. Hard to believe. I know back when I did it (ancient history, statutes of limitation well exceeded, besides... it was the 60's and I can't remember anything anyway, except my first time breathing from a SCUBA tank), I was out of control (in a "good" way). I loved the experience, but after a few times I realized that anything I liked that much (other than sex) was probably bad for me so I stopped. There was NO WAY I could dive on the stuff. Absolutely no way!
Legality is one discussion. The question seems to be one of "Do I dive with someone under the influence?"

Legal or not, don't care. If my buddy is stoned it increases the odds that i may have to save or attempt to save his sorry azz. Call me selfish, but I'd rather just avoid the whole hassle, especially if it can be avoided by not doing dumb things like getting buzzed before a dive.
Congrats on turfing smoking!!
As for big tobacco, you are right, but that dosen't apply to hydroponic ops. Only thing to worrie about is bugs, and that can be delt with using nothing more noxious than a weak hydrogen peroxide/water solution.
But I've said too much :D

Not necessarily. Look up the cr@p the tobacco companies put in cigarettes. :reaper: :hanged: :soapbox:

By the way: I have been free and healing for One Month, Three Days, 20 Hours and 43 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 9 Hours, by NOT smoking 976 sickarettes, which would have cost me $150.06 for the wonderful privilege of murdering myself. :)

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