personally i love the volo race for warm water diving. no booties and less weight make for light packing. however, what ever you get i would not spend that kind of cash on fins.
now to the common comparison wetman was making about having to use twice the number of leg strokes to cover the same distance/speed. this is absolutely true. however, what is not true is that this is a bad thing. it's like in cycling. at any given speed a higher cadence consumes less energy than moving at the same speed in a higher -read harder- gear at fewer rpm's. in other words, yes you do kick more often to go the same distance (and, by the way, your kicks are shorter) but you are more energy efficient than with fewer, harder kicks. more energy efficient translates into lower oxygen consumption.
now to the common comparison wetman was making about having to use twice the number of leg strokes to cover the same distance/speed. this is absolutely true. however, what is not true is that this is a bad thing. it's like in cycling. at any given speed a higher cadence consumes less energy than moving at the same speed in a higher -read harder- gear at fewer rpm's. in other words, yes you do kick more often to go the same distance (and, by the way, your kicks are shorter) but you are more energy efficient than with fewer, harder kicks. more energy efficient translates into lower oxygen consumption.