The Nikos is the Mares model that the Axis replaced. While it does not have the VAD (vortex assist), it is a very good reliable model and seems to be more rugged than the Axis. I find it comparable to the Axis for breathing except for the tendency to freeflow. As I mentioned before, I put my Nikos octo on my fiancee's setup and have a Nikos/R2 as a backup regulator. Rodales rated it a testers choice with both the MR12 and R2 1st stages.
It was a popular model and while they are no longer in production, they are available at many LDSs. And yes, they are good to go up to 40% EAN although Mares disclaims nitrox on all models except the nitrox versions. We use nitrox almost exclusively and have not had any problems with either one.