Mares Avanti Quattro fins

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I've been using Quattros for about 2 years.

In terms of finning -- they seem to require above average effort. I got cramps often when I first started using them, but I'm not sure if this was because I was a new diver or due to stiffness.

The main downside are the buckles. I find them easy to relatively easy to use when doffing/donning my fins. That being said, I have had them pop open underwater several times. The newer models apparently have some sort of lock that prevents this. Even worse is the tendency of the buckles to snag on ANYTHING. Sometimes I think they are rope magnets ;-) I've had them get tangled on lobster trap lines several times as well as dive flag lines. As others have said, you can solve this by replacing the straps/buckles with spring straps.

My $0.02.
I have spent about 10 hours (not all at once) underwater with the Quatros. They are a really long...but then so am I ;). I am
6-1 and 200 lbs. You really have to be strong to get the most out of these fins. My wife is pretty petite and the last time she went diving she borrowed a pair of Quatros and got cramps, but she was having her period and after taking Midol they went away.

Frog kicks, sculling, anti-silting kicks, kicking with your legs together and pretending to be a mermaid etc. have not been a problem for me but frankly I don't have anything to compare them to.

The buckles have "unlatched" a couple of times underwater. They did not come off...if you know these buckles, you know what I mean about "unlatching".

I'm pretty happy with them...but if I had to do it over again I'd buy them in black.

Mouth Breather

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