Oh goodie, I got mail.
Bravo on doing what you did (I am sure thats what you wanted, commemoration for your awesome uber diving skills) but it was not safe and my commercial and pro diving insurance liabilities cringe. There was nothing wrong with what you did, it is just the fact that you are trying to pass it off as something normal and safe that we have a problem with
FYI: I am actually Tec40 trained and a scientific diver. So technically I am a tech, pro, and a commercial diver. Wow me, luckily I don't let it go to my head.
well, let me repeat the following :
"FYI, the dive was made along the Daedaleus reef in the middle of the RED sea. A dinghy was flipped over the same morning while trying to recover 3 divers trapped in the surf above the reef. So we were dropped in front of the reef and asked to go below 10 to 15 meters uner because of the possible risk to be swept on the reef at the surface. So to surface, that early in the Dive WAS NOT A SAFE OPTION."
When it comes to you being a pro, teacher and tek and scientific diver with 100 to 200 dives under your belt, let's be serious. No ONE in a reputable country would claim to that without being laught at.
---------- Post added December 2nd, 2015 at 09:17 PM ----------
Actually, I was surprised there wasn't stronger support for your position from the Francophones, given you started your post by essentially saying "here's what those 'merican safety weenies on SB said, help me out, Bro" (slight exaggeration on my part
The exact translation is the following: "Je voudrais vous traduire ici un "sujet" que j'ai ouvert sur scubaboard.com. Tous semblent me dire que j'ai agi comme un inconscient et que j'aurais du arrêter la plongée immédiatement. Je voudrais savoir si les plongeurs francophones sont de cet avis. Je communique pour apprendre
"I would like to translate here a post that I opened on scubaboard? Everybody SEEMS to tell me that my behavior was reckless and that I should have aborted the dive immediatelly. I would like to find out if the french diving commun ity shares that point of view. I am communicating in order to learn. "
You are right, most have found probably better solutions that the one I used. And I am very glad that I learned them.
But if you count the numer of person that gave an opinion ( 15 ): ONLY 2 were favoring to stop the dive. One experienced diver that said he would support the idea of cancelling the dive. And the other was a beginner with less that 50 dives. All the rest, namely 13 divers, most of them experienced proposed innovative solutions, agreed with me but never thought about cancelling the dive.
PLEASE DO NOT GET ME WRONG. I BELIEVE THAT BOTH OPTIONS ARE GOOD . I AM JUST NOTICING a huge gap between two different cultures. Or is it due to dive experience and training? I have my opinion, but I will not share it here