Explain a bit more about what you mean. I removed all the hardware when I stained it last night. I am not overly happy with the config I had, but it was my best thought at the time. I have cave line on hand.
The picture you showed has a metal hose clamp around the tube. A metal split ring (like a key ring) appears to connect the boat snap to the hose clamp. In the event something happened and you snagged your canister on something, whether it was fishing line, kelp, or just hung on the boat doing a backroll in, you can't cut it loose. You HAVE to manipulate the snap to undo it. If it was under tension, that may not be possible to get the snap in the right spot to release it.
Changing that connection between the snap and the clip to a zip tie, or small diameter line, would allow you or your buddy to cut the canister free in the event it ever became necessary.
The second issue is the type of clip. The spring loaded gate on those type of clips makes it easy for them to get caught on stuff. I would suggest a regular boltsnap instead.
Of course if you do nothing but clear warm tropical diving, it may not be a big issue. But if you dive in water that may have hazards, whether fishing line or plants it is something to consider.