ScubaNorth:Do as you like but exit the water with shorrts and meet the EP and you will have a new attitude and understanding of the reg. If anyone really cares if the dude owns the land give me the address (PM) and I'll have a title search run heck I'll even order a plot plan but I do need the address.
Obviously, I don't purposely exit the water with shorts. All I'm saying (and I'm just being honest) is that I sometimes re-measure and realize that it's a little too close for comfort. It's not like we only caught 7. We probably had 30 or so in our hands at some point. We thought the 7 were legal. And it's not like we re-measured on the street with the car running. We re-measured on the rocks, at the water's edge, with our suits still on. As it turned out, they were (probably) legal but borderline, so we threw them back. Are you saying we did something wrong? Am I the only one who has ever thrown one back? If your under water measuring is always right on the money, why is it that you double or even triple check??? I wouldn't want you to have a run in with EP and gain a new attitude and undestanding of the reg!