Since we dont listen to CDs anymore -- My reg bag was originally designed to carry CDs , its padded. Its a bit bigger than a lunch box. I rinse and dry the reg before it goes in.
I carry all my gear to my shore dives in a laundry hamper. Its perfect - afterwards you can rinse things w a garden hose right in the hamper.
I dont believe in paying extra for scuba-specific gear when household items can do the job fine. That's why I use a hot water bottle as a BC (j/k on this last one)
I carry all my gear to my shore dives in a laundry hamper. Its perfect - afterwards you can rinse things w a garden hose right in the hamper.
I dont believe in paying extra for scuba-specific gear when household items can do the job fine. That's why I use a hot water bottle as a BC (j/k on this last one)