LP Steel Tanks

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Rick Inman:
Think I'll just sit back and watch now... :eyebrow:
Pass the popcorn. :)

Seriously, SouthFLdiver, take the gas you need for the dive. As for myself, any time I'm diving with an overhead (real or virtual) I want to be as fully redundant as possible and I wear doubles with an isolation manifold. For NDL dives with no penetration, I'll sometimes dive singles but I put redundant valves on the tank.

Learning to dive with doubles takes some doing - I'd start with the 80's and see how the learning curve goes before doubling up the big boys.

Your question was just fine, by the way. Even so, some of the inmates may come out of their cells looking for a swipe at fresh meat. Don't sweat it unless they start buying you chocolates and roses. We all get flamed from time to time but learning to roll with the punches is part of the cost of admission. So long as you are able to avoid making posts that are stupid, willfully ignorant or that project an arrogant attitude, you'll survive your walk through our woods without too many scars...and someday in the future, as you get ready to rip some newby a new one, remember that you were once in his shoes and appreciated it when others held their punch...
I own two PST LP 80's and two OMS LP 131's. I have been diving the 80's for awhile but cant carry enough air even with overpressurizing to go to 130+ foot dives. I recently bought the 131's but do not like the height and weight. I am a large guyu but only 5'8". Can i get some suggestions on what tanks to use and whether to go with smaller capacity doubles or one large single.
I have two sets of steel 72s doubled up for diving dry and a set of AL 80s doubled up for diving wet. They took the term "big single" out of my vocabulary.

I never tried the 131 since the 125 felt enough like a phone pole.
Twin 66's. Pump-em up. You will have lots of air.... And they are not too heavy, and fit shorter torso's too.
reef, you're a class act. nice post.

Your question was just fine, by the way. Even so, some of the inmates may come out of their cells looking for a swipe at fresh meat. Don't sweat it unless they start buying you chocolates and roses. We all get flamed from time to time but learning to roll with the punches is part of the cost of admission. So long as you are able to avoid making posts that are stupid, willfully ignorant or that project an arrogant attitude, you'll survive your walk through our woods without too many scars...and someday in the future, as you get ready to rip some newby a new one, remember that you were once in his shoes and appreciated it when others held their punch...
Thanks for your responses. I think i am going to try and find some 112's or some other lp cylinder thats slightly smaller than what ive got. If anyone is interested in my lp oms 131's email me. Anyone with lp tanks that want to sell also email me. Thanks, Nick

I own one of the LP 131 tanks and love diving with it. But I bought it used from someone who bought it used from someone because neither of them enjoyed diving with it. I am 5'10", but I mount it high with the valve where it will hit me in the head . . . and the tail end still rides on my butt. Also it is a bit heavy when climbing out on ladders and tends to want to roll you . . . but I also dive doubles and am used to those problems so it is no big deal to me.

But man alive does it give you alot of air! I can dive for most of the weekend on just that tank.

As others have or will tell you, I do not go beyond 130 ft. diving a single tank even as big as this one is. I either add an Al40 stage bottle or do the dive in doubles. And please stop diving that deep solo. Survival is a good thing, especially if you are going to give us such entertainment here online!

Happy (and safe!) diving to you,

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