Low profile cable ties (tie-wraps)

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I just tried just some of these so, at the usual risk of duplicating an old post, thought I'd post a positive mention. We happened to get some of these at work and right away they screamed, "Put me on all your dive kit!"

These things are the cat's meow. No sharp edges and of course low profile. No matter where I put the end on a regular one attaching my wife's mouthpiece to her reg' it always bothered her. As of yesterday, hooray, problem solved!

I bought mine from here: http://order.waytekwire.com/IMAGES/M37/catalog/217_076.

Uncle Pug:

Putting all manner of fastening device (especially zip ties) in front of the Camel is like puting half-a-tuna in the shark tank.

Stand back and try not to fall in.

Oh Great... we've lost UP for an hour.

I got some at Home Depot. They have quite a selection of zip ties..
To clarify, I was saying that Home Depot stocks the low profile ties.
Looks good. Any problem when it comes time to remove it?

As you suspected, these don't leave any space between the tie and what it's on near the locking part. You either have to be extra careful, or you can clip the top of the locking part off pretty easily and not even get close to what it's mounted on.

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