Talldiverman:Take it easy.
I have a Oceanic Probe BC with those same wight pockets snd it works great.
The white sticks that hold the pocket in properly have to be put in right is all. I have probably 150 dives with the BC not to mention counltess hours in the pool as an instructor and I broke a stick once. It was when putting the weight pocket in before the dive and was my fault. I have 3 extra sticks in my dive kit just in case I break one again. That weight system is reliable and safe IME if you thread the stick properly.
I like the design of the wieght pockets much better than velcro, as velcro wears out over time and you never know when it may fail and you can not replace the velcro.
OK, I counted to 10.

My DiveRite BC uses the zipper side pocket. My desision to use DiveRite was also because of the unreliable velcro and plastic fasteners buckles on other BC.
Manufactures should design thier gear with "Heavy Duty" in mind.
Happy Diving