Yowzah. That would hurt. I feel for her...I fret over stuff like that...although I try to tell myself "it's only a "thing, no one died".
The guy I dive with drains the BCD in front of you as he breaks down your gear for you before it goes into your bag.
The guy I dive with drains the BCD in front of you as he breaks down your gear for you before it goes into your bag.
I wasn't there, but she said the captain broke her gear down and put her reg inside the BCD (like I've seen them do before, but she hasnt). While en route, she held her BCD over the side of boat to drain the water out, not realizing her reg was with it. Reg fell out. She didn't realize it was her whole reg right away (said that if she did, she would have jumped in after it - which likely would have been hopeless anyhow). Unfortunately she had a ridiculously expensive set up and no dive insurance (the higher option that includes gear).
(Not the friend you met this morning, but another.)