I'm conflicted on that suggestion. It would appear that the divers placed themselves in harms way. It may have been a noble effort but is it negated by the fact that the divers came to be there willingly?
Well that is true it seems, at least - but it does sound like he was heroic, rather than leaving in panic...??
I'd have to agree. The fact that the incident arose out of VERY poor decision making by those who participated in the dive (which carried a large possibility of tragedy) in no way negates the decisions that came later in the event. To forgoe one's own safety to try to ensure that of another is an action wholely independent of the actions that preceeded that act.
And if we were to say people can't be heroic because the actions they took were born out of stupidity, then we'd have no heros really. I mean seriously. Would you say it is SMART to enter a fully engulfed building without fire protection and breathing aparatus? Nope. But people do it occasionally to save a life. No doubt they are heroic. The act of diving on a grenade is sure to result in one's own demise, and thus is hardly wise. But if one does so to save another, you better believe that's heroic.
The fact that someone who participated in a foolish act likely saved another's life later in that event is what matters. In one sense, the fact that he rose above the preceeding foolishness to do something of merit demonstrates that he was a man of SOME integrity. That counts for a great deal, despite the poor decisions that preceeded it. We have all done dumb things to one extent or another. This man's poor decision was certainly mitigated by the brave one that followed - I know I feel that way and I'm not even the guy he saved.
Now . . . as for the idea that the instructor is guilty of "negligent homocide", I would have to disagree. Anyone who has been through a basic class's initial lessons should know the risks inherent in making such a dive. This wasn't a case of someone in an official capacity leading someone who could not possibly have known better into a situation they couldn't have avoided. Apparently the victim in this case had 150+ dives, according to his friend . . . that experience and the fact that the victim had earned his C-Card is enough to demonstrate he was at a point he should have taken responsibility for himself and his own decisions. This diver should have been very aware of the risks he was taking, and to be blunt, if after 150+ dives and completing basic certification he WASN'T, then that is really on him. This is an inherently risky sport and every individual who participates needs to make themselves actively aware of all the risks involved. And after they walk out of that first basic scuba class, they have enough information to start doing so, and to be aware of when things aren't wise. Even if they don't know all the specifics of each and every risk involved, they know enough to know that, and that they better put some real thought and education into every decision they make that involves a regulator and submersion.
That's not to say that it isn't atrocious for an instructor to ever suggest to any divers not appropriately trained and equipped to do such a dive, much less participate in one with them. That certainly merits institutional reprecussions. As far as legal reprecussions, it seems to me form what I have read in this thread that this was a dive undertaken by a group of individuals - NOT a formal class or instructional foray (and if I am wrong about that, then I apologize for that misunderstanding). I'm in no way defending the STUPID example set by someone who has been given a deisgnation that implies they are someone who is about teaching the sport safely. He certainly should never be allowed to instruct a class again (assuming what we have seen in this thread is accurate). But there is also a limit to the legal culpabaility that can be affixed to him in a situation where everyone SHOULD have known better and had the information and capacity to do so.
Before I ever even took my first breath on a regulator at the side of a pool, it was very clear to me that the only person who was responsible for my welfare in this inherently risky sport was myself. And I have made it a obsession to keep that in mind from that day forth and dive accordingly. Any diver who doesn't take that same approach is a danger to themesleves.
I feel bad for Chad and his family. Given what I have seen here from his friends and what he apparently did on the dive, he sounds like he was a great guy who will be missed. I just think it is a shame he didn't pay more attention to the training and experience he had, because that is what ultimately lead to his demise.