a lost buddy situation, I'm going to play it REAL safe, and make sure there is no confusion. First, I'll drop two arrows, pointing opposite directions. This way, I have marked my exit, even if I've become disoriented and have made a mistake. After covering my bases with the arrows, I'll further distinguish the fact that the arrow points to MY exit and is MY personal arrow, by dropping a cookie on either side of the arrow (because some drop it in front, and some drop it behind, and I don't want there to be any chance of confusion here). Because I carry three backups, I'll leave my primary light clipped to the line to act as a beacon to my lost buddy. I will also leave my dive computer, so in case my buddy has had a computer malfunction, he will be able to know his bottom time to calculate his decompression. I will leave him a detailed note on my wetnotes, and a backup note on my slate, just in case another team takes my wetnotes to aid in their search for my buddy, if another helpful team comes along. With those helpful aids in place, I will begin my exit after breaking down my doubles and leaving one tank with the arrows, in case my buddy has panicked and used too much gas. Last but not least, I'll make sure that a tube of aquaseal is in my wetnotes, so he can patch any holes in his wing so that he won't have to swim a heavy tank out, because he might have ripped his wing in his panic.
With all that done, I think I've covered my bases.
The only other thing I can think of, is, maybe a line was before I abandon the cave to save my own life, I'll take a moment to reline all the passages.
Hopefully no one takes the above as serious advice. My tongue was definitely in my cheek!

I've read many pages full of good advice but what's clear to me is, no one agrees on the proper protocol. Properly trained divers should be able to get themselves out of a cave, and make decisions with their buddy about how to handle emergency situations, and I hope people don't just hope and pray their buddy read the last post on Scubaboard before submerging, but that they actually talk about their emergency protocol before a dive.