Looks Like they caught those Bast**ds

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lal7176 once bubbled...

Now im not saying just because he is muslim he is an al queda.But look at the facts.He does believe in the muslim religion and even changed his last name to accomodate it.This no good piece of crap then drives around shooting inncocent people for no reason including a child.Kind of looks like terrorism to me ....what do you think.Wether he is linked to al queda or not i have no idea but it looks pretty good.If anything he is probably a firm supporter.

So he changed his name, changed to Islam, how the hell do you link that to al queda or terrorism?

Islam and the Muslem faith has absolutly nothing to do with this idiots actions, absolutly nothing, and his actions have nothing to do with al queda, given the info so far.

If I was to take your stance..........
You must be a killer as well, your American, I remember what those Americans did at Waco, they were Americans too.
All Americans must be considered killers now.

Just because a band of idiot islamic extremest's have a hate toward the USA, that doesnt make all islamic people potential terroists. That attitude is the extreme in racism.

lal7176 once bubbled...

I have the upmost respect for our veterans.Just because he served in the gulf war is not an excuse for what he has done.As far as the miltary teaching him to shoot...you can learn that from the internet now a days.I know many people that are great shooters that have never been in the military.

Yes you can learn it elsewhere...............but HE didnt.

lal7176 once bubbled...

As for them having a hate towards america.Does Bali ring a bell to you.How many of your own people were killed there or do you even care.Do you think there arent al queda terrorists in your country wanting to do harm to your people.


Yes. 3 Close friends.
You have turned a simple debate into an attack on me . If you wish to take this further, please PM me.

The point I was trying to make is:

I have friends and relatives who are Islamic, I myself am not.
There lives are miserable because of the way most people treat them. They are treated like terrorist's, yet they are peaceful decent Americans.
Dont judge a persons demeanor by the religion.

lal7176 once bubbled...

Let me ask you aquamaniac.Have you ever served the miltary in your country.I have trained with the australian armed forces and have the utmost respect for these guys.Top notch people.If you havent served then you have missed out.Maybe if you had served and made some sacrifices your out look on terrorism would be a little different.

My outlook on terrorism is the same as most peoples. I despise it, I hate it with a passion, AND I am doing my bit to prevent it.

My outlook toward Islam is not the same, I have an open mind. I do not HATE Islam. But I HATE the Islamic extremist's.

And YES I have served and done my bit...............
lal7176 once bubbled...
Do you see americans killing people all over the world for no good reason?

While you posed this as a rhetorical question, it's quite ironic if you realize that some of the rest of the world does see the U.S. as "killing people all over the world for no good reason."

I wonder: if we had a world tally of most people killed, for whatever reason, how would the U.S. rank?

Just an interesting thought...but kind of straying off topic, sorry.
lal7176 once bubbled...
I never stated that all muslims are al queda but al queda is based on the muslim religion so it makes one wonder if the guy is al queda.Im not basing this solely on his muslim religion but the fact that he has committed several cowardly terrorist crimes and him being of the muslim religion.If he is some crazed looney then so be it.BUt being muslim and killing people you have to wonder if he is some linked to them.

How can you say that!!!!

Al Queda is NOT based on the muslim faith. It never was and never will be.

Al Queda is based on the INDIVIDUAL beliefs of a group of Muslems.

Just because THAT group of idiots have certain beliefs, doesnt mean all Muslems have the same beliefs.

You CANT put all Muslems in the same catagory, its just unfair.

Islam has many catagories, Sunni, Shi ite and many others, all have individual beliefs, Chritianity is no differant.

Is the IRA based on religion?, be careful how you answer that one...
I think we need to leave race, religion and all other baises and prejudices out of this. I say. if they did it, we shoud punish them in just as cruel and brutal a manor no matter what color or religion they are. I'm afraid, however, that our laws don't allow us to give these guys what I feel they deserve so the ones they hurt will be cheated out of revenge.

I can't even comprehend the savegery of what they have done and I can't imagine a punishment brutal enough to fit the crime. But...if someone asked me too I would try.

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