Looking for some Orlando dives

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Reaction score
Port St Lucie, Florida
# of dives
200 - 499
I will be in Orlando in the week of July 17th - 23rd for F.A.S.R.O. (Florida Association of School Resource Officers). I know I will be able to do an afternoon dive on Wed. July 20th because I will be getting out of class around 12:00 p.m. The other days I will not be out of class until 5:00 p.m.

If you are interested, PM me.
Murphy- There really is very little diving in ORLANDO. A few springs if you want to make the road trip. Alexander springs is close boring but neat if you have never done a spring dive. ALTHOUGH you may be one of those that is of the caliber to do the siphon / filter springs then there are a few right in Orlando. I highly recommend KissImmee Professional dive center. http://www.kissdivecenter.com/

PS - we gotta do some diving in the near future though I am now doing the x-over thing and am limited to early morning dives on days off.. school at night.
Check out Blue Springs State Park. It is almost free and a little cool. The trip back to the walkout is a shallow drift and there are some turtles, fish and sometimes manatee.
Wednesday is the 21st, i will see if i can swing that afternoon off if possible, however i am flying on friday morning, so dont want to cut it too fine. There are only a few options around here and if you arent free until late then there is nothing in the evening or night, the state parks close at 5pm or so and the only other options are a good drive away. Do you have plans for sunday afternoon? I dont know if you course runs over both weekend days for the entire length of the day or not, but sunday afternoons i am also free.
Ok, set up a potential arrangement with Murphdiver.

Leaving the attractions area around 12 noon, should be at Blue Spring around 1-1.15 for two dives before the park closes at 5 or whatever time. Sick time coming in useful for work here :wink:

It also now appears that Baitedstorm and another SB'er from out of town might also be up for the dives.

Any other interested parties out there who want to skip an afternoon of work?
I'm in!!! I also sent MDColson a pm asking if he wants to come along as well since he'll be staying just a few minutes from Our house. I haven't ever been diving in fresh water (cold freah water.....brrrrrrrr 72f) before and have no idea what to expect. I looked up the web site you gave my husband but it didn't offer very much information on the dive site. Any words of advice?
I'm in!!! I also sent MDColson a pm asking if he wants to come along as well since he'll be staying just a few minutes from Our house. I haven't ever been diving in fresh water (cold freah water.....brrrrrrrr 72f) before and have no idea what to expect. I looked up the web site you gave my husband but it didn't offer very much information on the dive site. Any words of advice?

1) If they gatekeeper tells you that they are full just wait a few min till you see some divers leaving.
2) PArk in the lot closest to the "head spring"
3) I like to gear up in the car and walk with my gear on down the path. IT is a little hike.
4) There is a little snack bar that has everything you need

If I were you I would walk down (prior to gear up) to where you put in so that you have an idea as to how far you need to walk.

When you put in you will need to swim against a small current. Stay to the right side.

There is a "y" shaped limb over top of the spring. IT is really kinda fun. Just below the limb is a spot to sit and decompress on the way back up!
If you have Deloach's book, it provides some more info, the state park website really only gives general info about any of the parks. Trip report 1 report 2 should give some highlights to the site and the layout of the spring once you go in the hole. You cant take lights in unless cavern (or higher) cert'd, "OW" technically disappears at 65ft or so, but you can still see from the overhead sun at ~80-85ft, beyond that is pitch black. There is a strong upward current and most people find they have to wear 2-4# extra on top of their normal fresh water weight, which is approx 4-6# lower than your salt water weighting. If you dont have a little extra weight you will find it hard to even get down, no matter stay down :wink:

Its a fun dive, there are "ribs" or shelves that you can go into, some drop through sections, some small dead end daylight illuminated mini-rooms you can poke into. Then once you have done the dives and held your stop around the logs that cross the entrance you can drift off down the river to shorten the hike back to the car.

BTW, you might have to quickly skip through most of the stuff on those threads i posted, only certain info is actually pertinant to the actual dive, as with most threads, but there is info in there :wink: See you wednesday.
1) If they nazi gatekeeper tells you that they are full just wait a few min till you see some divers leaving.
This is going to be midweek, so hopefully the park wont be full, on the weekends, unless you get there by 9am, you are stuck outside til at least 2pm. We are probably going to get there around 1.30 i reckon.

The hike is about 5 mins, maybe 1/3 mile or so, you can walk along the side channel, like a mini aerobic session, just sit and chill (literally in that water temp :wink: ) before jumping down the hole to steady your breathing if it has affected you.
I think I could get that time open as well. I have already committed to diving both days of Lobster mini-season, but that's the following week I believe. I will keep in contact with Simbrooks about this.

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