Looking for old Skin Diver and other magazines (For archive)

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Here you are ~~ An original = the only known Skin Diver Magazine "Green Set" that remains
Promote some backing and purchase the set

remember -- the last time a first edition was sold ? $1200 plus dollars !

"Good morning to all,

As you are collectors of fine antique dive equipment, magazines and memorabilia, I have finally decided to sell off my extremely RARE SDM “Green Set”. Many of you might know what this and some might be wondering.

Beginning at the end of 1952, SDM allowed you to mail you annual copies to them to be bound in Green Leather. This would include Volume 1 Number 1. December 1951 in the 1952 binding. This is also indicated on the spine of the 1st green leather bound edition. I have the subsequent years to complete the Green Set to 1966 when they stopped the process. To make my collection even more rare, it was the personal set for Jack Waite. Yes, Jack Waite who is featured with images and text in the first edition of December 1952. I know this because is mailing label is on several of the magazines in the collection.

The collection is in excellent condition for a 70 year old collection with ALL pages and all magazines.

I believe based on my research that this is the ONLY copy of a Green Set that still exists in the world!!!! And I have spoken with a communicated with several collectors and “old timers”.

If anyone is interested, I am happy to communicate with any serious investors as I plan on the selling the set in the mid “5 figure range”.

Happy to send pics and other info for serious inquiries.

Thank you and looking forward to hearing from one/some of you.

Sincerely and Respectfully,

Ron Pavelka
Not a collector.... Just looking for pics and info about my grandfather Jack Waite. Any help would be great. He died when I was 1 in a motorcycle accident. Just want to here from people who knew my grandpa and any stories and photos for me and my family.
Just looking for pics and info about my grandfather Jack Waite.

You might start a thread in the Passings forum. Include as much information on his diving activities as you can in order to help people make connections.

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