In Honolulu, contact Randall at Hawaiian Diving Adventures or Gabe at Kaimana Divers. Both run top notch outfits.
I dove with Randall last March and he and his crew were awesome. I talked to Gabe (scottitheduck on here, I believe) several times and he was awesome, too. It just worked out that I went diving with HDA instead. IIRC, that was mainly because I wanted Nitrox and HDA had no trouble providing it where I think it was an issue with Gabe. It seems like (from my tiny bit of experience) that Nitrox can be hard to come by in Hawaii. We did a couple of dives on the Sea Tiger (one as a night dive - cool!) which is a wreck just off Waikiki that is 120' to the sand. I definitely wanted Nitrox for that. FWIW, the night dive with Randall to the Sea Tiger is a 2-tank dive. 1 on the ST and then a shallower reef dive. I thought that was nice as it seems like I've seen that a lot of operations do night dives as only a 1 tank trip.
I did a Discover Scuba Dive on Maui in 2013. No "real" dive experience there. But, when I went, I *really* wanted to go out to Molokini (a mostly submerged caldera). The weather was too rough the day we went, though, so we stayed inshore. If I ever go back to Maui, it is at the top of my list.