look who's coming for dinner

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We don't kill these guys and this one was only a baby. He was about 3" long in the body (no legs). I think he is either a wolf or the other one I can never remember the name of! One of them jumps randomly and I can never remember which one that is either so I don't get too close lol Zoom is a wonderful thing!

In fact this was probably the closest I have come to one in a long long time. And only coz he seemed so content! And, I did not take him outside...had to wait for DH to do that. :wink:

Rick - no, unfortunately my Oly is in the hospital. This was taken with my Canon A70. I do wish I could have played with the supermacro on the Oly, but I am sure there will be more opportunities.

Funny story about cockroaches...last week we had a diver at my other store sign up for a few days of diving. The first night he is in town he sees a cockroach in his room. He flips out. At 2am he arranges to get the next flight out on the following day; comes in at 8am and declares he is cancelling all dives and leaving town immediately.

For one cockroach??? Where does the man live that he doesn't get the odd creepy? Have to say we laughed - never had a diver use a cockroach as an excuse to cancel a dive before. Just hope he doesn't head out into the real outback :eyebrow:
I believe that what you've got there, Alcina, is a Huntsman Spider. Lock up the kittens!

But seriously, they are harmless to people, albeit a bit disconcerting. With all of the pro-spider stuff I wrote earlier, I'd scream like a girl if I had one of those things jump out at me!
LOL - nehhh..... they would not smell good when they are ready to eat :)
Really for one cockroach? I hate the gnarly things, but canceling a dive trip because of one? I can see the poor thing here in TX if one of the giant black things would fly at him in the middle of the night... heheheh
I wish we had more spiders than cockroaches in TX, or bigger spiders that would feed on the yucky roaches..... Maybe the one on alcina's pic culd be motivated :)
We have a house gecko....no more problems with la cucarachas :D
Of course, there are the poisonous type that you don't want around, but those are relatively rare. Most of them are Good Guys. :)
All spiders are poisonous - it's how they immobilize prey and liquify the innards so they can suck it up. It's a matter of degree... most can inflict a bit of a sting, and depending on whether you're sensitive or not, it may raise a bump. Many just sting for a few seconds and then completely go away, though many folks will develop a pretty good itch at the bite site after awhile. The good news is that spiders don't seek out humans to bite like mosquitoes or bedbugs or assasin bugs or ticks, so if you ever do get bit by one it was a defensive maneuver on the part of the spider. Leave 'em alone and they'll leave you alone. But, never assume any spider can't bite with his poison fangs - you may get an unpleasant surprise.
My least favorite spider is the Brown Recluse, whose bite is often completely painless but can cause great damage if not treated promptly. At least if a Black Widow bites you you'll know it RIGHT NOW!
Rick Murchison:
All spiders are poisonous - it's how they immobilize prey and liquify the innards so they can suck it up. .
I love this visual :11:

Rick Murchison:
My least favorite spider is the Brown Recluse, whose bite is often completely painless but can cause great damage if not treated promptly.

I am pretty sure we don't get these up here. We do get red backs, which can have a nasty bite...always check before you sit down to potty in the outback! :wink:
Brown recluses don't even look incredibly threatening, as far as spiders go, that species bothers me the most...

Black Widows are noticable, they scream poisonous, but they are fun to look at :) I was bringing a load of firewood into the house a few years back and had one run up my arm... scared the bijeesus outa me, but it didn't bite :wink:
hehe... I have an evil Balinese cat who loves to play with the very few that make it into the house when it rains.... the next morning they are found upsidedown and in very bad shape :)

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