we all sat in a big High School auditorium. There was a panel of 8 ( I think ) from the commission and a few env. police. A brief presentation was given by the panel and specific slides of catch #'s were presented for the three issue we cared about
1) reduction in pots
2) imposing catch limits ( 10)/day
3) increase of minimum size
It was pretty much open mike. If you had something to say, you went to the mike and stated your name and then whether you were for or against the proposals and then gave your rationale.
In some cases, the leader of the commission would comment. He was clearly against the divers opinions and was not shy to show that.
a note on #3, all people were in favor of incresing the min. size, but it had to be for commercial as well as divers. not just for the divers.
I dont recall any commericail fisherman speaking. Some speakers made comparisons and at times the head panel guy asked to not make specific comparisions of divers vs. commercial. This was a grey area hard not to cross due to the way the data that was presented was laid out.
As far as impact, its hard to say. I think we presentd a strong solid case that was don so in a professional manner. In the end I dont know how the panel votes. or if we have any further recourse.
large_diver once bubbled...
Just curious about the format and what was said by the various "sides" (divers vs. commercial fishermen vs. the state authorities).
Did you leave the event feeling hopeful, pessismistic, or unsure?