I've got 1500+ dives in the Monterey area.
Hilton's Aeolid is not uncommon in Monterey. I see them every
25 dives or so. It varies from year to year. I remember that one
year there were LOTS of them.
Sea Hares are very occasional. < 1 per 100 dives.
Same for me, usually somewhere at BW.
Sheepshead are quite common inside Pt. Lobos State Natural
Reserve ("old Pt. Lobos") (more than half my dives on rocky
substrate), but uncommon
elsewhere (< 1 per 100 dives). I suspect that's because they are
fished out elsewhere, but will hopefully come back in the areas
protected by the MLPA.
Calico bass? I can't ever remember seeing one. Olive rockfish
are common on the right habitat.