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I've often wondered just how the liveaboards split up the tips and if all the tip money goes to the captain and crew or does some go to the company. If it all goes to the captain and crew then you can make a really nice living working on the right liveaboard.
Last year I went to Cocos Island on the Okeanous Aggressor. The trip was priced at $4300 per person for 10 nights or call it 11 days. There were 20 guests on the boat. So if everyone tipped 10% then 20 folks are giving $430 for a total of $8600. There was a crew of 8 on board. Divided out that comes to $1075 for each crew member. When you figure that on a weekly basis, that comes to right around $700 a week. Now for a single person who would be living on the boat for much of the year not having to pay for food, lights, all sorts of bills etc., that would be one heck of a living.
Now carry a similar example over to Indonesia although those liveaboards typically have a larger crew and maybe not as many as 20 on board. But even if the totals were diluted somewhat and it came out to be half of the above example, I have read on other threads that an average of $350 per week would be way more than teachers, nurses, or even some doctors would make there.
We figure that if each crewmember gets $100/day of charter in tips that we have done an excellent job. If that is split up on a full boat, 8 crew on a 3 day trip (Retail $875) is $2400 in tips from 22 passengers. That's $110/passenger, or about 15%. The company gets no tip share except a cc fee of 2.3% if paid by cc.