Doctor Rig
How would not updating the software limit the life of a dive computer? Considering the number of responders here with 10+ yo non-upgradeable computers.
(This questions comes from someone that does not yet own a computer.... but in the near future is looking to make an informed purchase of a computer..... that does have a long life expectancy.)
In response to your question..... If a computer does not have the capability to update its’ firmware, then updates & improvements are not possible. Then those computers could be perceived to have or have fatal operational flaws, making them effectively obsolete, ending it’s value, or it’s useful life.
After posting my question I looked at a few low to mid-level computers and found a number of computers that had upgradable firmware and some that were no longer supported (with firmware updates). I expect some computer manufacturers might be better with computer support including firmware updates than others, effectively increasing their computers effective useful life. I was hoping to hear from readers, who are those manufacturers and their models that have or one would expect they would have long life expectancy.
P.S. Due to the many reader comments, Oceanic computers appear to typically have long(er) useful lives, maybe more so than others brands. Have Oceanic computers just been around longer or is this a logical conclusion?