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Great day, got out with Starfish for a 3 tanker out of Boynton Beach. Started out a bit rough but settled down, probably about what they predicted, 2-4, occ bigger. Not as windy today, rained during the 1st SI. Water temp was 73 degrees, visibility varied as low as 20 feet, as good as 50 feet outside.

Did 007 outside to Clubhouse inside, Delray Ledges, and Sharkies Ledge outside to Briney Breezes inside. Lot's of stuff. Saw Green, Spotted and Goldentail Morays, quite a few lobster, a couple of Loggerheads, a few Nurse Sharks, a nice Queen Trigger, all the usual reef fish. Had a sharksucker take a liking to me on the 3rd dive, luckily, gave me up for a Nurse Shark.

Tomorrow may be up again, scheduled to go out with Narcosis
Lucked out, got out again today with Narcosis out of West Palm, Capt Alex, Finch and Christine. Started off calm enough but built steadily as the wind went up. Got up to at least 6 ft, some significantly bigger. The water temp was 72-73 degrees, visibility was 30-40 feet on average. The air temp was only in the high 60s, quite cold with the wind. Another boat coat day.

We did Mid Reef and Cross Current Barge. Saw several Green Morays, 2 got a small Lionfish snack from Finch. Couple of Nurse Sharks, Goliath Grouper in the Barge, all the usual reef fish. There was an incredibly, friendly, interactive, photogenic Hawksbill in the construction rubble past the Barge

Courtesy Dave Finch, Narcosis Dive Co:

Not sure tomorrow is a diving day, we'll see...
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great shot....
Lucked out again, got out of Boynton for a 2 tanker with Starfish. Moderately windy with good swells. Air temperature was only in the 60s. Water temperature 73, visibility about 40 feet.There was a mild south current

We did Tumbled Rocks/Black condo on the 1st dive and then dropped on the island and did the finger south. Lot's of lobster on the 2nd dive, a couple out walking. A beautiful Batwing Crab, couple of Nurse Sharks, all the usual reef fish, no turtles today.

Doing better than expected, 4 days in a row. Intend on going out of West Palm again tomorrow and then a 3 tanker on Friday with JDC, hope to see some Lemon Sharks.
Lucked out, got out again today with Narcosis out of West Palm, ..
Great picture, Finch is awesome!!
Got in 2 more dives with Narcosis today. Did Flower Garden and 3rd Window. Minimal current, temp 72-73 degrees, visibility about 30 feet. Green and Spotted Morays, big Loggerhead, all the usual reef fish.

Going out with JDC in the morning, hope for some Lemons.

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