mossym:yup, i was in that rescue class, was an interesting day. i must pass on the word to the other guys in the class that helped this guy out of the water that he actually went back in!!
Yeah, I couldn't believe he went back in. From what my wife said, several people in his group (class?) sat out the rest of the day, and only a few of their group went back in. I spoke to one of the ladies in his group who had a hard time exiting mid day (after the rescue), and they either were part of a class or it was the weekend after their certification. Needless to say, they were all relatively new divers, in conditions that were rough.
After we asked for our weights back, he was hell bent on going back in to get the weight belt. We strongly advised him that it wasn't worth it, and that people die doing that sort of thing. I guess it wasn't enough of a warning, because upon returning from my 2nd dive, I saw him exiting the water shortly after with his group.
~ Jason