Bombay High
Everyone else was fine with the answer(s) but it appeared to me that you weren't. You kept poking: "Machining reverse threads is easy", "unlearning the current way is okay", then you insinuate that the people answering have "an incredible level of ignorance".
This, to me, is why DIR divers get pegged as being mean. A question is asked. It's answered. Then the OP keeps poking and poking until someone finally... after what I feel were some very patient responses... slips up and possibly cops an attitude. Then someone says "see, that's why DIR folks are a-holes. All I did was ask a question."
The constant questioning, even if very genuine, starts to feel like trolling. Like someone who has beef with DIR and decides that they are going to go ask a question and not be happy with the answer just to start a fight. Sometimes it is very difficult to tell the difference between a troll and just a very curious person. I think that most folks assume very curious up front, but then begin to get frustrated depending on how the very curious person responds to answers.
I am sure your questions were valid and not meant to poke or antagonize, but if I was answering, after a while I would have gotten frustrated. This is just one of the many reasons I don't post much anymore. Because I turned into one of those DIR a-holes. I don't have the capability for patience online like Lynne, Lamont, and others to politely answer 99% of the time. I'm not that bad in real life though... well, I don't think so anyway
I would guess that you weren't trolling, but you did ask why it would be frustrating. To me, that would be why.
Honestly I am quite amused by your take on this. Maybe I fulfill your definition of a troll. But maybe you should read my posts again. Or maybe not. I think this is all a waste of time really. These discussions are probably better had with GUE divers in person, because I am interested in what they have to say, and I think intent is much clearer in person.
My diving has been mostly non-recreational, and I have been baffled by the casualness by which a lot of recreational divers approach diving.
The only organisation that seemed to differ was GUE. Hence my interest. But scubaboard is obviously not the right place to take that forward.