Interesting to read this, as I just posted a similar thread/poll - specifically in regards to technical wreck penetrations:
I wouldn't stage a tank for an open-water tech dive, although I have removed tanks (secured close at hand) on the bottom portion to ease completion of a particular task. In those cases, tanks are secured within eyesight.
For wreck penetrations, I make a risk assessment that balances the dangers of taking the tank inside, versus leaving it secured at the primary tie-off (never at shallow/stop depth). For many of those dives, that means my stages are well below a depth where a 'rec' diver might wander across them and interfere... I'll also be exiting on that line (as per cave diving - in and out along the same route) and will return to my tanks before ascent.
Where I may be penetrating within recreational depths (with risk of rec divers passing my staged cylinders) and doing deco because of long bottom times, rather than excessive depth,... I will always leave a 'notice' on the staged tanks. Typically, I'll also ensure I
could deco on my backgas - reserving my stages for acceleration only.
As an aside, I've thought about alternatives to leaving a 'notice'... for instance, even padlocking the tanks (this would be on a cut-away) - but would get the message across...
There are dangers in taking stages inside... more risk of entanglement/entrapment.. more risk of damage to the tanks/regs from collision...risk to hoses from snagging... risk of silting from extra equipment/task loading.... however minimal and offset by diver skill. Contrary to the K.I.S.S. principle?
I already dive/penetrate 'pushing tanks ahead', because I use sidemount to access areas beyond the capacity of backmounted penetration. Taking deco tanks along would require substantially more technicality and risk. I plan linear penetration (in-and-out, on the line) rather than a 'circuit' (different entry and exit point), regardless of whether other exits exist...
Cave divers stage deco on the basis of returning along the same path. So why shouldn't technical wreck divers?
Yes, a wreck may present alternative exit points - but. to me, those would generally be for contingency/emergency/escape egress only.