I am looking forward to learning about Newport diving from you. I appreciate your enthusiasm for teaching us new to diving the area about these sites.
It really is my pleasure to do this and it isn't hard anyway. Some are dives I'd do on my own, others are sites I haven't been to in a while, like Bull Point, if I go there alone at night and fall and break my ankle / leg I'm there for a while and if it happens at low tide below the high water line then things get more complicated. These days I carry a cell phone in that camera case I use to float my line reel so it wouldn't be as bad. Still I'd rather get helped out by dive buddies then get carried out by EMTs, nothing against EMTs but being strapped down to a stretcher is not my cup of tea, seat belt restraints are about as much as I can handle. I'd be a lousy S&M partner!

Anyway I look forward to meeting and diving with different people, it's fun and I usually learn something. Contact me when you want to dive again, I'll most likely be planning something. I went over the Newport bridge today and it looked very nice. Tonight would be a good night to dive Newport! It is 8:00PM and I'm home for the night; no solo night dive for the frogman tonight.