Leaking PT-015 Info!

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Dirk Pitt

Reaction score
Kent UK
Hi all,

Just been in contact with my local UK underwater camera company, enquiring about getting hold of a PT-015 housing to protect my lovely new c5050...

They advised me they were currently not selling this housing due to a know leak fault caused by incorrect O rings fitted to the latest batchs of PT-015 housing supplied by Olympus! Has anyone else heard of this development.

Anyway now looking seriously at the Ikelite system with DS125 strobe (quick question: how does the c5050 comunicate with the DS125... or is it set manually??).

This is the first I've heard of it. I wonder if there's a difference in production runs between the housings sold in the UK and those sold here?

Now I'm nervous! :boom:
Dirk Pitt once bubbled...

Anyway now looking seriously at the Ikelite system with DS125 strobe (quick question: how does the c5050 comunicate with the DS125... or is it set manually??).


Using the sensor shown below...This uses the camera on board flash to trigger the strobe…

Or , with the Ikelite 5050 housing, a sync cord ....as the housing is manufactured with a bulkhead (strobe is hard wired to the camera)
Aloha Dirk and Dee,
There was a posting here a few weeks back about a known leaking problem with the PT015. I can't seem to find it but it was a link to a site with info on the problem.
I remember someone posting that his PT-15 had flooded for no reason so he was switching housings. But there was no reference to a known defect. It was taken with a grain of salt as caused by the user.

Let me know if you hear anything specific about this.
Took my housing down on the first dive two weeks sans camera. After taking it to 80' with no leaks I inserted the camera.

A pal who received one of the first housings said he does this on the first dive of each trip.
First dive of any trip, especially if the housing has been dry for any length of time, I always take the housing down by itself.

Tip....put a 1 or 2 pound soft weight inside the housing. If not, it's like pulling a balloon around underwater!
You took the words right out of my mouth :D

There have been a few "similar case" housing floods...I think I recall someone having trouble with a canon housing..but again never any proof that the housings was at fault

The above is the first I've heard of anything regarding a possible manufactures defect and at that I wouldn’t really call this a defect …. Sounds like someone mixed up some o-rings ....

I didn't mean to worry anyone (especially Dee), I believe the fault was discovered on the latest batch of housings shipped to the UK. If anyone has any specific concerns I would suggest they contact the suppliers I spoke to:


They are holding on supplying any more housings until the problem has been sorted, which they said was one particular O ring on one button only (sorry didn't ask which one). Didn't mean to cause a panic as this is probably an isolated batch ..... ok everyone feeling calmer :eek:).... good....


"with the Ikelite 5050 housing, a sync cord ....as the housing is manufactured with a bulkhead (strobe is hard wired to the camera)". Does this mean the camera is comunicating with the strobe with regard to flash output?

Thanks again for all the info


PS. How nervous was everyone the first time they lowered their new camera in the water (having tested the housing or not)?
Dirk Pitt once bubbled...

PS. How nervous was everyone the first time they lowered their new camera in the water (having tested the housing or not)?

Thanks for the link. I'll check in with Olympus USA and ask them, too.

The first time I took my C-4040 in th water I was terrified! No matter that I had insurance and that I had done the housing only test. Something just kept telling me that there's something wrong with putting $500+ worth of camera in the water!

Take a deep breath...it'll be OK! Just make sure you develope an anal routine abount maintaining that housing. If you don't have time to do it properly, leave the whole shebang topside. Get Insurance!!! Remember..it isn't IF you'll have a flood, it's WHEN will you have it.

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