I look at certain subjects this way. I can either let people be happy in the illusion they are living in or I can at least try to bring them to reality so they will try to bring the world closer to their illusion, and so make the world a better place. Seeing as I am not living in their illusion, I'd rather make the world a better place.
Brother, as they say in the churches, you're preaching to the choir. Seabear, I don't know you, I've never met you, and I'm certainly not going to let what you've written here sway me into making opinions of you as a person. That your ideals are somewhat odd, well, it's a matter of opinion, because you may say the same about my ideals. But to so much as to suggest that you can bring people to reality is insulting, and it's no different than the JW's trying to preach to the pope. One question, who's reality, yours? What happens to their reality, is it not equally as important to them as yours is to you? well sorry that was two questions. You're as passionate about your ideals as I am about mine, but if you really want to make the world a better place, how 'bout we try and teach people to co-exist with eachother despite whether you like their ideals? i.e. smokers and non-smokers.
Oh and as far as the good samaritan laws and the lawyer who told the injured person that the "good samaritan" who helped him/her should have done a better job, brother, get a life and change your tune. You've obviously forgotten about the basic liberties we enjoy as human beings and as citizens of this nation, the core of which is to do as we see fit, within the parameters of what's legal; not always what's right, but what's legal. I can tell you that I much rather die of a heart attack because there isn't anyone qualified to give me CPR, than to have some hero wannabe, who took a CPR class 20 yrs ago, do so much damage that I'd have to live the remainder of my years tied up to a respirator, or as a vegetable. You can bet your sweetest and last dollar, that if that was to happen, I would devote
every viable second of my life to get that "idiot" to pay for my damages, by way of our
legal system. I'd only be defending the basic principle of the golden rule, a.k.a. do unto others as you'd want others to do unto you!