Lawyers Evil or Saints?

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Ya know ScubaGuy, I should let you keep rambling on, but I am a kinder person than that.

You are doing a far better job of making my case than I am. Your beligerant additude of "all for one and that one is me" Is really showing the depths to which some men can sink and still feel superior to everyone arround them.

Earlier you asked who would judge the people if we eliminated lawyers. There is a simple answer, the same unwashed heathens that we are told make up the jurries today. But your question answered so many other questions that had not been given voice. Consider, you a paralegal, not a lawyer, consider anyone not in the legal field so far beneth you as to be flawed in any judgement. Do not try to deny it, your words so far have shown the truth of that. And in your last post you proved that other people are just sources of blame and income to you.

Have you ever considered that 1. The damage you may have had to live with in that senerio would likely have been caused before the person tried to save you? or 2. That you would not be alive to sue that person if that person had not tried to save you? or 3. That people who have never been trained in CPR at all have managed to save people's lifes because they read a pamphlet describing the procedure and made the effort. Obviously not, because in that senerio, you would have been harmed, most likely due to your own lifetime of excesses, and someone else must be blamed.
it,s the society...................

And that makes it right?

THe society was not always that way. It can be changed back.
Could I get you to carry some ID or a tattoo on your foreheard with that message so I won't make the mistake of trying to save your life?
Sorry brother, I gave up my dog tags when I got out of the military, I don't have any tatoos, nor will I get any, and especially not on my "[forehead]." So, you're just going to have to make the decision now to either help the next man you get a chance to help, or not watch him die, while you ponder on whether I am that man!!!

You are saying to protect myself, I should help no one? Maybe you should have been a lawyer.

How about just a medilert necklace with DNR written on it?

BTW : I get the impression that you were in the Marines... Can you tell the class what Gung Ho means?
Ya know ScubaGuy, I should let you keep rambling on, but I am a kinder person than that.

You are doing a far better job of making my case than I am. Your beligerant additude of "all for one and that one is me" Is really showing the depths to which some men can sink and still feel superior to everyone arround them.

Earlier you asked who would judge the people if we eliminated lawyers. There is a simple answer, the same unwashed heathens that we are told make up the jurries today. But your question answered so many other questions that had not been given voice. Consider, you a paralegal, not a lawyer, consider anyone not in the legal field so far beneth you as to be flawed in any judgement. Do not try to deny it, your words so far have shown the truth of that. And in your last post you proved that other people are just sources of blame and income to you.

Have you ever considered that 1. The damage you may have had to live with in that senerio would likely have been caused before the person tried to save you? or 2. That you would not be alive to sue that person if that person had not tried to save you? or 3. That people who have never been trained in CPR at all have managed to save people's lifes because they read a pamphlet describing the procedure and made the effort. Obviously not, because in that senerio, you would have been harmed, most likely due to your own lifetime of excesses, and someone else must be blamed.
Seabear, first, I don't go around considering those who do not have the knowledge of the law I have as being beneath me. They are persons as I am one, and besides that, I am a liberal, which means that I believe that even the most foul rapist deserves a good defense.

Second, do you know what are the three things a paralegal can't legally do that a lawyer can? 1- A paralegal can't give substantive legal advise (or how the law will apply to your specific situation, despite knowing how it can), and that's because we, although certified, are not licensed to practice law. I can (legally) prepare your divorce, will, trusts, and bankruptcy papers and tell you what's the procedure on each, what to expect and when, how much it will cost to file it, and where do you need to go (at a cost that is at times more than 1/2 what lawyers charge) ; 2- a paralgeal can't set a legal fee, nor can it split a fee with a lawyer, so I profit nothing of the clients who are served by my law firm. I get my salary, and my bonuses, and that's that; 3- a paralegal can't represent a client in court, which goes hand-in-hand with 1.

I'm a paralegal not because I'm not smart enough to get into law school (although I do have a BS degree in law, and I did get accepted to 3 law schools), but because I don't care, at my age, to deprive myself from my family, nor my family from me, for the next 3 yrs of my life, only to end up with basically the same job I already have (plus the three things I can't do at the moment, not to mention a rather minimal salary increase), and have another $130,000.00 worth of debt to pay for.

So if you're attempting to suggest that I'm making your argument for you, go ahead; it's no skin off my back, but please, don't make that suggestion because you can't argue back without knowing how to separate feelings from legalities, or wishes (or reality) from facts. There is a big difference between what's known, and what can be proven, only that some people don't know that difference, especially juries!!!!. That's why in the law juries are referred to as the finder of "fact," not of law, and why lawyers can move, despite the findings of a jury, for a JNOV (judgment no obstante venedito, or judgment despite the verdict), when they believe the jury has not found the "facts" as they should.

Oh, and as I said before, I'm willing to take the chance of dying from a heart attack than to have some hero wannabe, especially one who learned how to do CPR from some "by the numbers coloring book" to so much as to put their hands on me. Heck, I'm worth more dead than alive, but if I'm going to be blessed with life, I'd like to live it as I see fit, not as I have to take it because some idiot did something they knew, or should have known better than to do. IOW, if you want to save a life (or start a thread as disparate as this one), you should be smart enough to accept the responsibility you're seeking, then be responsible enough to accept the negative repercussions that may come as a result, and don't just go through life "hoping" the other person, or more specifically, me, just says "**** happens."

And no, I was not in the Marines, "but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night." :rofl:
That's it! I'm done.
Seabear, first, I don't go around considering those who do not have the knowledge of the law I have as being beneath me. They are persons as I am one, and besides that, I am a liberal, which means that I believe that even the most foul rapist deserves a good defense.

Second, do you know what are the three things a paralegal can't legally do that a lawyer can? 1- A paralegal can't give substantive legal advise (or how the law will apply to your specific situation, despite knowing how it can), and that's because we, although certified, are not licensed to practice law. I can (legally) prepare your divorce, will, trusts, and bankruptcy papers and tell you what's the procedure on each, what to expect and when, how much it will cost to file it, and where do you need to go (at a cost that is at times more than 1/2 what lawyers charge) ; 2- a paralgeal can't set a legal fee, nor can it split a fee with a lawyer, so I profit nothing of the clients who are served by my law firm. I get my salary, and my bonuses, and that's that; 3- a paralegal can't represent a client in court, which goes hand-in-hand with 1.

I'm a paralegal not because I'm not smart enough to get into law school (although I do have a BS degree in law, and I did get accepted to 3 law schools), but because I don't care, at my age, to deprive myself from my family, nor my family from me, for the next 3 yrs of my life, only to end up with basically the same job I already have (plus the three things I can't do at the moment, not to mention a rather minimal salary increase), and have another $130,000.00 worth of debt to pay for.

So if you're attempting to suggest that I'm making your argument for you, go ahead; it's no skin off my back, but please, don't make that suggestion because you can't argue back without knowing how to separate feelings from legalities, or wishes (or reality) from facts. There is a big difference between what's known, and what can be proven, only that some people don't know that difference, especially juries!!!!. That's why in the law juries are referred to as the finder of "fact," not of law, and why lawyers can move, despite the findings of a jury, for a JNOV (judgment no obstante venedito, or judgment despite the verdict), when they believe the jury has not found the "facts" as they should.

Oh, and as I said before, I'm willing to take the chance of dying from a heart attack than to have some hero wannabe, especially one who learned how to do CPR from some "by the numbers coloring book" to so much as to put their hands on me. Heck, I'm worth more dead than alive, but if I'm going to be blessed with life, I'd like to live it as I see fit, not as I have to take it because some idiot did something they knew, or should have known better than to do. IOW, if you want to save a life (or start a thread as disparate as this one), you should be smart enough to accept the responsibility you're seeking, then be responsible enough to accept the negative repercussions that may come as a result, and don't just go through life "hoping" the other person, or more specifically, me, just says "**** happens."

That's it! I'm done.

Like I said, You are making my case for me. Your arrogance shows the depths to which a person can sink morally and still feel superior to everyone arround them. And you consider yourself an expert on the law.

Now, I didn't start this thread. I made some comments in another thread and a lawyer wanted them removed from where he thought they would do the most harm to his profession, so he put them here.

I can't help you sir. You are the type of monster that we all fear. You are the person who sees the law as a game and cares nothing at all for Justice. The fact that we cannot hospitalize and treat you for this condition is a bit discouraging, but it is a fact of life. You will eventually become a victim of your own excesses, I guarantee it, life tends to deal harshly with people such as yourself.

BTW: Because you can accept bonuses, you are in fact profiting from the clients of your firm. I for one refuse to play sementec games.
How does the saying go...opinions are like............ and everybody has one???????
Read on.

I should have quoted him before he edited his post.
Looks to me like it was a lawyer who split this into it's own thread, making seabear's post the first one. A lawyer who named it. And renamed it. And renamed it yet again. A lawyer who responded to the posts. Am I wrong again?

This may be of benefit to anyone who wants to know how this thread got started.
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