Decided to bring back this ancient thread rather than start my own. See, I can search 
I'm getting the same problem now. I did about 40 dives with latex seals (wrist and neck) with no problems but on the last three dives I got a red ring around my neck. I don't get a reaction on my wrists. I'm not sure what is causing it, anyone have updates on how they solved the problem? It's not much fun.
I don't *think* I'm allergic to latex. It's also strange that I had a bunch of dives with no problems then the last few I developed the rash. Could talc be the problem? Should I wash the seal before I dive?

I'm getting the same problem now. I did about 40 dives with latex seals (wrist and neck) with no problems but on the last three dives I got a red ring around my neck. I don't get a reaction on my wrists. I'm not sure what is causing it, anyone have updates on how they solved the problem? It's not much fun.
I don't *think* I'm allergic to latex. It's also strange that I had a bunch of dives with no problems then the last few I developed the rash. Could talc be the problem? Should I wash the seal before I dive?