Last second Ebay outbidders, I hate em

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melfox26- You need to learn how to play the E-Bay game. I recently outbide someone by $5.00 at the last minute on a great deal. I certainly don't feel guilty having done that... it is one of the ways the game is played. If you don't like it, try (part of E-Bay where prices are fixed and there's no bidding).

Last second bidding is a strategy I've employed for years to get things I wanted (like the X-Tek BCD and wings I recently won). It's one way the game is played. Learn to live with it.

Dr. Bill
I am a sniper too. I have gotten some great deals this way. It's the low ball bidders, who don't want to pay fair market value, that have allowed snipers to win these auctions.
The snipe doesn't always work. If someone has placed a high enough bid the sniper will lose & there isn't enough time for the sniper to rebid.
I love people whinning about how someone stole the item from them. If they knew how to bid - they'd own the gizmo instead of me. By the way, snipers can't steal something that was never yours to start with. You just got attached to the item before you actually owned it.
I am also a seller on E-Bay & have no problem w/ snipers winning my gizmos. Have at it. There is no difference in someone winning the auction with a bid placed 10 hours ago, or a bid placed 10 seconds ago.
I'm an expert at sniping, It is really simple.
Use a stop watch to time when the auction is over, you also have to know how long it takes for your computer to place the bid, I give mine 15 seconds. Bid the max you are willing to pay. Have the place bid page complete and when there is 20 seconds left,(watching your stop watch), hit place bid. Now any other sniper has only 5 seconds to out bid you which is not enough time.

I agree. I have Cable as an ISP and I can get 1-3 second refresh times. I too, use the stopwatch method. I set my watch for 1:00 and try to syncronize it to the auction. When it gets to the last 20 seconds and Im bidding against someone, I throw in a bid a few cents/dollars above the current bid. I see if it gets met, then in the last 5-7 seconds I bid again, - now I know his refresh time and usually, I can take it away from him.

I also have on occasion, been emailed by the seller at a later date. They would tell me that the person didnt pay or follow through with the auction and I have been able to "Bargain" for a fraction of the ending bid. "Usually" a seller would rather take my bid for less than relist it for more fees and HOPE that it sells for more or the same amount then before.

Ehhhh.....look around, be educated about values, dont get carried away, know beforehand what you are willing to pay and be willing to walk away. There WILL be another auction for want you want.

at this auction site for guns they have a rule that any bid in the last 15 minutes will extend the auction untill there have been no more bids for 15 minutes, this prevents sniping.
not a bad idea for sellers, but bad for biddrs looking for a steal at the last minute.
I learned how to snipe after I lost a couple of auctions at the last minute. It's not that hard to get good at it.

I usually don't bid until the last minute. As someone else said, the more bids, the more attractive the item seems to be to some people. They must not do their research. Sometimes people will bid one item way up while an identical one, at the same time, goes for peanuts.

We can wish Ebay was different, but it works and it's fun. I've gotten some great scuba gear there, at terrific prices.
The post is really about risking paying any more than you have to.

That pretty much sums it up. If you've done your homework you know what the item at auction is worth. It's just a matter of paying as little as possible and getting the deal. Watch out for those huge shipping charges from some of the less scrupulous vendors..
Homework on the items selling is the best way to go. If it is something common expect it to pop up again, if not give it a go and decide before hand on your own personal limit. I have been sniped but then I have also sniped. cable is the best way to go for speed but in the end how much are you really willing to pay. If its close to the retail price I go for retail. And it has been said WATCH the S&H this is where the real money is being made
Any time I bid on an item on Ebay it is done at the last possible second, I will not bid on any item before then. At that time, I will put in the highest amount I am willing to pay for the item.

One good reason I do this is that it potentially keeps the price of the item down. Not all bidders out there are seasoned Ebay users...they bid the smallest amount possible and then outbid others when they are outbid. Sniping doesnt give them a chance to outbid me.
The other good reason is, if you can't fight them, join them. I actually got a nasty email from a guy I sniped one time. He wasn't happy at all! :)

Lastly, as a seller, nothing is cooler on Ebay than watching the price of your product jump in the last minute of the auction.

I always wait till the last 15-20 seconds to submit on ebay and more times than not end up with the deal, unless the pricing is getting out of hand.

I saw a Halcyon ACB20 sell yesterday for more than you can buy it new. Go Figure.


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