I really get ticked off when I'm 5 seconds away from a killer deal on a product, then I get outbidded and I don't have enough time to put another bid in.
Anyone else with similar experiences, or have some advice on how to win an auction for once? I missed out on a great scuba accesory this morning.
Guilty as charged, I'm definately a sniper...
There is software, however it works off the same concept as just putting in the maximum amount you are willing to pay in the first place. Most have configuration parameters, however you still have to provide a maximum, and you still can be outbid.
Here is a method I use when I know I'm not going to be near a puter when the auction closes..
IMO, if you find something in *new* condition, take in account the warranty (or lack there of) the shipping, the market, etc...
So maybe you are willing to pay $200. One way is to put in a bid at $201.55 (just because you don't want to loose over a dollar), and let it ride. If you loose, so be it, you set a price and others were willing to pay more.
I recently purchase some PADI course material on ebay. I lost the first auction, the guy paid $36 for material I can get at a dive shop for $40. I won the second auction I tried with a bid of $23... so be patient...
What I hate is people who overpay. I've seen MUCH camera gear go for MORE in mint condition than one can purchase it new for online with a USA warranty without auction hassle...