After many unsuccessful bids on E-bay, a co-worker (who was a seasoned E-bay purchaser) told me a few things I was doing wrong and suggested these tips. They have helped me:
(1) It's okay to establish an early bid, but if someone outbids you early (i.e., 2 days before the bid ends), leave it. Otherwise you can get into a bidding war. This happened to me when my 10 year old son was desperate for a Kirby plush toy from Japan. I bid early and then someone out bid us. I bid again, and the same thing happened. Finally, we ended up in a bidding war, that (Thankfully!) I won. However, I payed dearly for this stuffed animal. Probably too much. But hey, it's my son.
(2) If you see that someone is interested in the same bid as you are, watch the item to monitor action but don't bid on it until the final minutes. In other words, sit in the bush.
(3) In the final minute, make your final bid a maximum price that you feel will win the bid. I have noticed that many people increase their maximum bids by $1. or $2. Sorry. If you want something bad enough to pay $300 for it, put a maximum bid of $350 or more on it. You may never pay that price, but you will often win the bid.
(4) I recently won a brand-new BCD on E-bay and this is exactly what I did. Someone tried to outbid me at the last minute by upping their bid by $1.00. I had put a $50 lid on the bid. I won but didn't end up paying $350; just $305.
And I love the BCD.
Hope these tips help,