Last minute tricks, tips or tidbits

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Speaking of Cozumel tips, does anyone know how to say "jelly beans" in Spanish? I tried asking in Vallarta at a candy store and at the Casa Ley but nobody seemed to understand what I was asking for. Do jelly beans not exist in Mexico? I did end up with some nice candied fruit though :)
Hmmm, I wonder if they come in jalepeno flavor

frijolitos confitados

rabbit pellets.jpg
For me, the worst part is getting up, getting the taxi to show up in time to take us and all our crapola to the airport, and running the gauntlet to get checked in, our bags checked, and getting through the TSA rigmarole, all in time to board the flight and on a couple of hours sleep. From there on it's not stressful; it's a bit of a crunch at the Cozumel airport with Immigration and Customs to deal with, but I am there on the island and there's no time pressure. If it takes an hour to get to my hotel (it usually doesn't), it's no big deal; I am there for a couple of weeks. The thing I hate isn't the time it takes to get somewhere, it's the stress that comes from being in a hurry. I don't do that to myself when it isn't necessary.

"...couple of hours sleep." Lol. There's proof that some are shown God's favor.

I've done: Get up at 1:30am (Get up? I jest.) to walk out my door at 2:30am to drive to the airport and arrive at 3:30am for a 5:30am flight which connects in Mpls. The arrival gate is on one side of the airport, the departure gate at the other side, and I've been told, "They're holding the plane for you. Run." Then it's a 4 hour flight which has often arrived at almost the same time as 3 other flights followed by the lines and huffing two 49.9 pound pieces of luggage and 2 carry-ons out that door. Once I'm out, I could spend the first night right there curled up on the sidewalk next to the little concession stand and be as happy as a clam.

Yeah, it's not really the time, it's the stress of being in a hurry or of being herded.

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