Last fight

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I had an ex that was a bit abusive....... used to pull, shove, grab, etc. Once tried to restrain me from leaving the house by grabbing my shirt (which tore). One day I decided I'd had enough of that sort of minor picking-on and hit back. It escalated into full out war pretty quickly but after tussling for probably 10 minutes we broke it off and apologized. I think I got the upper hand in that one since he had to wear a pretty black eye and lots of scratches for the rest of the week....... he didn't pick on me physically so much after that. (It took 2 more down-and-out scraps before I left for good)

The only time I can honestly say that I felt like kicking the s*** out of someone was this time after I moved out into one of my first "my own place". I was just cleaning this house I was moving into, and there was a lot of junk left behind by the previous tenants. I had piled it all off to the side. This was in a very small town (not the Big City) and being as it was a fine day I had the doors and windows open to get some fresh air coming in. Well wouldn't you know it but the one of the previous occupants - this big black dude probably twice my size - just saunters in, says a few mean things to me and starts helping himself to his stuff. I was seeing red and yelled at him quite a lot. I kept myself across the room from him as I was just itching to lay a fist into him for inviting himself in but discretion being the better part of valor I recognized that he could lay me out without half thinking about it by virtue of being bigger, stronger, and male (whereas females just don't have the upper body strength to match). Took me a week to come down from that fury.

Oh yeah, there was the time my bf invited a (female) friend of his to come over. This girl parked on my couch and started saying disparaging things about my hosekeeping and mothering skills (or perceived lack thereof). After yelling at her a bit when she wouldn't stop I threw her out on her arse. Now that I think about it, she outweighed me too, although not by too much....... guess that must've been adrenaline. :wink:
Around the age of 12-14 i would guess was the last time i threw one in anger. I did get in some scuffles when i was around 17-19, but those were self-defense rather than schoolboy behind the playground after school type of things. Havent really been near one lately, but do feel like slapping some people upside the head every once in a while - same reasons as stated above by others. Those people that know me on here would know i am not a violent or aggressive person, in fact one of the more laid back in the community, but some people can push it far enough to get me annoyed with them - but not to violence.
I am not much of a fighter (even if I wanted to be). My last serious physical incident was in a relationship. The lady decided that I wasn't right for her, I guess. She pulled me into her house and proceeded to yell at the top of her considerable lungs. Then for emphasis, she shoved me into the door. Hard!

At that point, I did the smart thing and walked out of the whole thing. I study enough to know that these incidents only escalate. (Besides, he says... she was an aerobics instructor who was my size already.) Six months later, I took up diving. So, some good came of it.
On a recent vacation, I had a strong desire to knock the taste out of someone's mouth. During the typical security procedures, this knucklehead, and his nine-year-old kid, were doing everything possible in my mind, to make a less than fun, but necessary process, a real pain.

As the week went on, I saw this same person in conflicts with other people, regarding, for the most part, the same type thing. At one point, I thought I might see a fist fight.

That got me to thinking about when, where, and why, my last fist fight happened. It seems to be a lost art, two people nose to nose, sizing each other up, but way back when fighting didn't involve friends or guns. When I look back, it was of course idiotic, as were my thoughts of this dipstick, but a part of life.

So please disclose the last one you hit or wanted to...just for laughs.

Never been in a fight.

Someone would have been hurt so I talked my way out of them or threw one punch and it was over.
When I was in the Army, fights were pretty much what we did for fun.

The last ime I hit anyone was 1986. My wife and I were in aclub in Dallas, Studebakers I think. I went to the mens room, when I came back there was some Marine straight out of basic giving her a hard time and being quite rude. My wife had told him to buzz off, but he wasn't getting the hint. I stepped in between, explained that she was my wife and I would appreciate if he would just leave us alone.

He said "Sure, the sl__s not worth it anyway".

One elbow to the temple, he's unconcious on the floor and I'm asking his two buds if they are ready.

Hopefully the last time. I like to finish a winner.
One elbow to the temple, he's unconcious on the floor and I'm asking his two buds if they are ready.

sweet... :D

if your gonna do it, do it right!!

Never really been in a fight, had a few scuffles, used to have a terrible temper. Suppose the worst one i had was when i was in school, the class bully decided to pick on me one day and it was a really bad day for me, so i headbutt him in the nose without thinkin. 2 black eyes thanks to a meeting with my noggin :D
I got a 3 day suspension but totally worth it.
I became quite popular after that!!!
I was in grade 1, he was in grade 2 and picked on me...until the day I laid him out and he went home crying to momma with blood streaming down his nose all over his shirt.

Then I put childish ways behind me.

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