Lanier this week?

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The Kraken:
I'll suit up to match whatever ya have.
Want to go to the lumber yard?
Sure, just hit me up with a set of directions as I have never been there. I am all for diving this weekend as well, whenever. With the semi-dry and such we should be able to hit those cold bottom temps with no problems.

The lumber yard is over in Lost Mask Cove. About 100 yards on a 45 degree heading from the fixed buoy. It's right at 82 feet.
As you come into the park, bear left at the split and circle back around to your left and park in the spaces next to the trash can.
The Kraken:
The lumber yard is over in Lost Mask Cove. About 100 yards on a 45 degree heading from the fixed buoy. It's right at 82 feet.
As you come into the park, bear left at the split and circle back around to your left and park in the spaces next to the trash can.
Got Ya, I know where the mask cove is.. :) Sounds good to me.

What mix ya going to be diving, Looney Bird?
The Kraken:
What mix ya going to be diving, Looney Bird?
Right now both sets of doubles are just filled up with good ole Nitrox 21%. So I guess that will be what I'll be diving.. If that doesn't work out for you I will get out tomorrow and do some shallow solo diving to drain the cylinders down, and then go get whatever mix is needed.

I was thinking 36%. I've got to get fills so I thought I'd try to maximize our time.
Gotta get Linda's tanks filled and all 3 of mine.
21's OK if you don't want to go through the hassle.

21% is free . . . :D

If your D/S comes in tomorrow or Thursday give me a call.
You have my cell number, right?
The Kraken:
I was thinking 36%. I've got to get fills so I thought I'd try to maximize our time.
Gotta get Linda's tanks filled and all 3 of mine.
21's OK if you don't want to go through the hassle.

21% is free . . . :D
Might as well just go with 21% if you don't mind.. I agree that I would rather have longer bottom time, but I'm not sure how happy the shops would be with me running in there late tomorrow evening asking for a 36% fill the very next morning. Of course if you know somewhere that can do some nitrox fills quickly and don't mind having to do them instantly, that would be fine by me. That shop in Alpharetta has always short filled me since they do hotfills and then don't even fill the tanks to their ratings, so I won't go there anymore. I know most around here PP fill and just roll their eyes when I ask for tanks by the next day. Any idea of any places around here that bank?

I use that one LDS that you hate and Divers Supply.
I drop my tanks off that that LDS you hate at lunch and pick them up on my way home.
They give me "magnificient" fills.

The LDS of which you speak has kind of a puny compressor. Those are the guys with whom I'm D/M'ing. I can get free 21% there but I don't even bother, even though it's only 7/10 of a mile from the house. The can't generate enough pressure to fill my HP's. Can't say as I blame you.

If you ever want to drop your tanks off by the house and let me get them filled for ya just let me know. I have to go by the LDS that you hate to work every day.
Oh, just as an aside, with my E8-119 and backplate all that my new XCD2 "Tech" requires is 10# at 500psi/15ft.

I LIKE THAT ! ! ! ! !
Must be nice.. This is how that store treated me: I took in a brand new regulator to get serviced and they stuck it to me because I didn't buy it from them. They completely rebuilt a brand new reg, and threw out all the brand new parts. It should have been a $5 fix on my second stage. Then they rebuild my 1st stage, even though I told them not to and that there was nothing wrong with it.. Then when I got the 1st stage back (that was fine before they touched it), it was leaking from port plugs. They stuck it to me and threw away brand new parts. I asked the tech why he didn't just replace the one o-ring on the balance chamber that was causing the problem, and he said.. "Oh, I just rip out all the guts and put new ones back in." This was unacceptable. I had already referenced two people to go into that store, they both bought packages over $2k, got certified through them, and went on their cert trip. Then "Weird Al" pulls this crap on me because I bought my reg elsewhere. I can do without these kinds of tactics, I will ship my regs half way across the country to get serviced before I will walk back into that store.

I guess to each there own.. He ripped me off for $100, but in the long run he will loose much more from me.. I guess I will just stick with the 21% for thursday.


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