Lake Jocassee update

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a nothere great day of diving today weather for surface intervals was realy good clear skyes We did two dive off of Bill's heated boat (Off The Wall)Only for divers 2 Tech divers ant Tony and myself.

Dive 1 10:36 am
air temp. 35 degrees
surface temp.48 degrees
@63' 48 degrees
max depth 63'
dive time 35 minutes

Dive 2 12:04 pm
Air temp aprox. 60 degrees
surface temp. 48 degrees
@80' temp 47 degrees
max depth 80'
dive time 30 minutes

thermal protection. I had was 5 mil wet suite w/ a 3 mil shorty over the 5 mil,
5 mil hood ,5 mil glovers
I got a little cold :cold:at the end mostly during the 15' safty stops

Thanks:d Bill for your inpromtue reg fix (my octo was leaking and free flowing)You save my dives:vintagediver:
Sounds fun...and cold. I wish I would have been there.
Sounds fun...and cold. I wish I would have been there.

Yeah, it was cold. That was the first time I could say, "I actually got cold on a dive in my 7 mil." I enjoyed the dives but in this case I might be taking a break until the water warms a little.:shocked2:(my wife would be shocked if she heard me say that. ):rofl3: That is unless OTW gets some trips for the hot hole scheduled.:D
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Hi all !!! here is a up date for Jocassee . We had 3 good dives on the divers ramp Sat. 4/24/10 it was raining as we drove up to the lake .we got there and the rain had stoped , Was overcast air temp was around the 60"s

1st dive
surface temp 64 degrees F.
Max depth 75' temp. 53 degrees
Viz was realy good 20'++
2nd dive
Surface temp. 63 degrees F.
Max depth 74' temp 53 degrees
viz was still 20'++
3rd dive
strated to thunder and rain started to sprinkle
surface temp 64 degrees
Max depth 60' temp 53 degrees
viz 20'++
reached the surface and it was like intering into a new world The rain
was coming down realy hard. Made every thing look so cool and different .
You just had to be there words just can't explane it

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Sounds toasty. Yeah, it's beautiful there when the low, heavy clouds move in.
Wow, that sure beats the cold temperatures in Lanier that I have been diving in. Sounds like I need to head to Jocassee for some reasonably warm diving!!!
Here is a few pics from trial run #2 with my new camera. I still need to get a strobe or a better light source but it is a start.

Jocassee 4-24-10

We started out in Georgia under heavy clouds, darkness, and a light rain. We hit a McD's for a light snack(breakfast) before the dive! Never eat breakfast burritos before a dive!:D We arrived at the divers ramp after stopping to talk with Mike from the Scuba Shop about 8:30 am! We admired the difference of the dive site compared to the last time we visit (late last summer in Aug). This time the lake was at full pool and last August the lake was down at least 20'. This made for a short walk to and from the truck!:cool3:

We geared up and wondered in about 9:23 am.

Ken took the lead on dive one and I followed along side with the dive flag in tow. (See Krawlings post #84 for depths and temps in this thread.)

Dive two, I lead (not really, acted more like an underwater tourist snapping pictures of every rock I could find!) :D
PIC_006911491PIC_0069003.JPG <-----Thats Ken!

We found the vis to be around 10' or so on the ramps with algae starting to grow rapidly in the warmer water. Vis was at least 20' below a depth of 30'!

This little guy was the only fish out playing at the beginning of the dive! (Yes he is blurry!) :(
I did see a cat hiding under the broken section of the left ramp(facing the wall)!

We found the platforms easily from a line someone ran from the end of the ramp which is at about 20-25'! The first platform is at about 32-36' of depth and the second one is at 46' of depth.

We dropped over the last platform to the trampoline with the mirror.

We visited the barge and I attempted to take pictures but it was a little too dark. We found a craw-fish, small catfish, and a little bream underneath it. There was not a lot of fish life out shallow or deep!:depressed:

We made our way back to the ramps for warmer water and more light. The only time I saw a big fish was at the 15' safety stop area. I was hanging out looking at the little guy seen earlier and here in this photo.
That was the last picture taken before the camera battery died and his family came in to visit. Two nice 8-10" bass and two smaller 6" bass came to say hi to there friend and I could not get the camera to turn on($%#^)!:shakehead:

Oh well, maybe I will do better next time.

We did dive number three with thunder in the distance. We submerged, did a few skills, and came up in a nice rain shower. It made for an interesting exit, watching it rain and listening for the large rain drops hitting the water.

Great day diving!

Sorry the pics are so small! This is the first post with pics, next time i will go up a size or two so you will not have to click on them!:confused::shakehead::confused:
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Great write up and pictures. I love the ramp. We have got to go to the lake together. I am looking forward to getting a few days off from work where I do not have anything else planned. Ken, Tony, feel free to take a look at my write up on my Cavern course. Hijack over.

Had you guys dove the ramp before?

Great write up and pictures.

Thanks! It was my first time with pictures and I did not want to over power them with boring details. Next time, I will be a little more descriptive about all the dives and just not the one with camera.

We have got to go to the lake together.

Hopefully, we will be back next month before the water gets to warm and all the snow birds start landing at the ramp!:rofl3: Plus right now the boat(my buddies boat) is not useable because we are re decking it, so we have Lake Lanier and the divers ramp close enough to make a day of shore diving. I am hoping Dive Haven in Ga is going to open this summer too. We will get together soon, the dive season is just beginning!

Had you guys dove the ramp before?

We dove it once last year late in August! We got there early in the morning to beat the crowds in the water(last year). I actually did my check out dives there in 2008 with about 95 other people so it really was bad that day. Thats why we go early if possible to get away from all the dirt darts(classes)!:rofl3: (That was mean! I once was a dirt dart too and occasionally still am!:rofl3:)

I will check out your write up on the cavern course. I am trying to convience the wife that a cavern is not a cave and there is a difference so she will let me do my cavern course but it ain't working!:shakehead:

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