La Perlita Closed???

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Tuttle, Ok
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1000 - 2499
Another Cozumel site I frequent reported that La Perlita had closed. I'm not going to repeat the reasons stated as to why, but we usually eat there at least twice if not 3 times in a 5 to 7 day period and never had any issues. The only problem we had in April was they could not get enough lionfish to serve it. Can anyone confirm if this is true that they are closed?

No big secret it was closed by the health dept. COZ4u on facebook has much more current info since most of them live there. I stopped eating there after learning it was the new mayors restaurant. I spend all my time with the locals and have heard them talking about all the bad things she has done. not that any of them ate there before. La conchita del Caribe on 65 is much better.

COZ4u says opening tomorrow.
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It was closed for a while for (I was told) political reasons but it is back open now. I ate there a couple of weeks ago and it was as good as ever. The political situation vis a vis the new mayor is... complicated.
No big secret it was closed by the health dept. COZ4u on facebook has much more current info since most of them live there. I stopped eating there after learning it was the new mayors restaurant. I spend all my time with the locals and have heard them talking about all the bad things she has done. not that any of them ate there before. La conchita del Caribe on 65 is much better.

COZ4u says opening tomorrow.

With all due respect - you stopped eating there because it belongs to the family of the new mayor? Your limited time spent with SOME locals does not give you the same information or insight than someone actually living here with understanding and knowledge of all facts. For example, did you know that the former administration left the city with no money and stripped all equipment and office furnishings, and much much more - leaving the city broke the moment she took office? Way too much to go into here.

The only "bad" things Perla has done is everything in her very limited power to clean up some of the corruption and do the best with resources she has available to her. The truth is she spends a lot of time dealing with the misdeeds of the previous administration and their puppets. It's common knowledge on the island that the former administration has been creating situations to make her look bad - again - with all due respect, I submit that you are not informed of the reality or facts - only hearsay and bias from a handful of locals.

However, since you've heard about "all of the bad things she has done" - I would be interested to hear just what bad things you've heard - and if you know them to be fact - or again just what you've heard through the island gossip which is prevalent in the marina.
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Interesting to say the least. Thanks for your perspective Christi.
So, the 'old' administration was/is using the 'health dept' as a weapon to go after the stream of income (restaurant business) of the 'new' administration ?
I ate there on my last birthday. I'll eat there again in the future.
Im not speaking to that - but that is not beyond the realm of possibilities - they have a lot of people in their pocket.

But I was speaking in general terms and addressing what he had heard (aka gossip) vs what is fact

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

A reminder that politics (where this thread is drifting) is ONLY allowed in The Pub forum. Marg, SB Senior Moderator
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Seems to me that the political background of La Perlita closing for "health reasons" is a critical component to a decision to eat there or not. Politics as usual issues would not deter me from eating at a favorite restaurant, but verifed sanitary issues probably would. I would like to hear the full story, politics included, so I can make my own decisions.

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