Kudos to PADI

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Reaction score
GTA (Toronto) East
# of dives
100 - 199
Yes you read that correctly. Specifically, kudos to PADI's market research department. A month ago, I received an email from PADI asking for my feedback in their online survey. I struggled through it, I believe there were issues with the third party they were using for the survey software. It took a very long time to complete this survey - over an hour. :pcangry:

I emailed the contact person about the problem and she promptly apologized and thanked me for taking the time to do the survey. She indicated she'd be sending a gift in the mail for my efforts. I received it this week, a PADI eRDP.

I am impressed that a) they offered to send something as compensation for my time b) they actually did it and c) they did it promptly. I don't know about you folks but this kind of approach goes a long way with me.
Bubble Maker:
It is nice to see that not all threads about PADI are negative.

... yet.
Bubble Maker:
It is nice to see that not all threads about PADI are negative.
I am sure that will change soon enough...
I think everyone would agree that marketing is one thing that PADI does very well.
PADI stinks. They eat puppies.

(See? I got that out of the way, so everyone can just relax now)
PADI stinks. They eat puppies.

(See? I got that out of the way, so everyone can just relax now)

Yabbutt, as Ed says, they're the absolute best at marketing.

They give away 3 cent stickers and gizmo's, and the naive take this as "Da bomb", and give them way more credit than they'll ever deserve......unless it's marketing credit of course.

Because in the end, they are still going to eat your puppy.


yeah, an eRDP........lol.

I put gold stickers on my invoices because they are basically free and they make you feel special, even though it doesn't change what I do one bit......I learned from the best......rofl.

Err, welcome back Scuby-board :crafty:

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

moved to Kudos forum
They did response to my email criticizing their preOW requirement, within 2 days. Pretty good, I would suppose.

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