Kudos Dive Sports

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Reaction score
Florissant, Missouri
# of dives
100 - 199
Well I had ordered a new reg from Dive Sports and had a slight mixup. I had ordered a DIN 1st stage and recieved a Yoke. I gave them a call and they handled it very graciously and took care of the problem right away. We are all human and make mistakes, and it is how those mistakes are handled that can really make one company stand out over another...

Thanks Dive Sports for shipping my order so quickly and for handling the mistake the way that you did...

Good Job as always...

Well I had ordered a new reg from Dive Sports and had a slight mixup. I had ordered a DIN 1st stage and recieved a Yoke. I gave them a call and they handled it very graciously and took care of the problem right away. We are all human and make mistakes, and it is how those mistakes are handled that can really make one company stand out over another...

Thanks Dive Sports for shipping my order so quickly and for handling the mistake the way that you did...

Good Job as always...


The pleasure was mine. We shouldn't have made the mistake in the first place. Your DIN kit is on the UPS truck as we speak! Thank you very much for your business.

Phil Ellis
Thanks for running great shop...


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