Wow thats nice. Growing your own dive buddy. COOL.
As to the dry, GO FOR IT> people think that kids can not do things as good as adluts. F-that. When growing up I used to fly R/C air planes at the age of 10. I started off with the trainers and so forth learing to fly and by the time I was 11 I was teaching flying to others (men as old as 70). I love to fly and still do, but what Im trying to say is if hes in love with diving he will know it better than lots of diver that have been diving for years.
When the Goverment makes airplanes and othere vehicals they put 10 year olds into he cockpit and let them fly in the simlulator. The Gov found out that the kids do better than adults. The kids have better learing skills than adults. Think about Kids that grow up in familys that talk two difrent langs. The kid can speek them both at a very young age. Try that now at 25-30???????