Kicked out of Nitrox Class!!

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Very strange behavior - you sure y'all don't have a history? LOL

Is that the one on Grapevine Hwy? Isn't there another LDS a few blocks down across the street? I think there is/was another LDS a bit further down the road, too. All this in a city of maybe 15,000 about 2 hours from the nearest dive lake or 5-6 hours from the ocean if ya aint into swamps.

Dallas/Ft. Worth has plenty of LDS's vying for your money. You can afford to be picky about getting what you want.
jonnythan once bubbled...

You mean SSI?

For open water it's probably the best bet. But I was really talking about the one that starts with a G and ends with a UE.

biscuit7 once bubbled...

As a bartender you have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. I don't like you may be the reason, but you can just refuse to serve and assert your right to do so.


i have worked as a bartender and i have refused service to a couple of indivduals for various reason, but if i have a reason or a suspision of anything i can and will refuse.

here are some of the reasons i have refused service

Skipped on a bill (later corrected but it wasnt the first time)

came in drunk, nad tried 4 other employees before tgetting to me and i said no and called the GM who called the cops to have the person escorted off the property.

your attitude just sucks

previous histroy of problems or complaints.

i dont like you (and if you ask i dont have to answer you because were i work it was a private club, plus its county/city rules)

also 22 ignore my PM i got the info and will spread it along, some people never learn
Braunbehrens once bubbled...

Mike, what you need to do is teach a class that costs more, is longer, teaches real skills, and explain to new divers why you do this. Print out the recent "incident report" posted to this board. You have to practice how to deal with bad situations, and none of the cheap scuba classes can take the time to do this. The confidence one gains by knowing one is able to cope with an OOA and no mask situation, is invaluable.

There are people willing to pay for this. Why do you think all these people are taking DIR-F? The card doesn't do you any good in terms of fills, or anything else. All you get is a good dose of getting your butt kicked and learning skills.

I'll stop ranting now.

Well thats what we've been trying to do but...most are looking for a Caribbean pass not dive training. It's hard to convince a prospective student that one class is really much different than the next. Aside from the extra cost being a problem the extra time has even been more of a problem. People want that card in a couple of days. We even offer to match the price of the cheapest class in the area IF the student doesn't see the value at the end of the class. I think to market a class like this you need to go on the road to find the market like they do with the DIRF.

I guess what I'm getting at is there are lots of people interested in under water tourism but not many interested in diving. But the incedent report thing is a good idea.
Braunbehrens once bubbled...

There are people willing to pay for this. Why do you think all these people are taking DIR-F? The card doesn't do you any good in terms of fills, or anything else. All you get is a good dose of getting your butt kicked and learning skills.

Frankly I am taking DIR-F to see what all the fuss is about. I'm a curious SOB and am always looking for something new to try-out, look at, analyze, etc. Some particular things I am interested in are gear config, diving physiology, and maybe even diving rescues. I am by no means an expert on any of these and I want to know more.

I could care less about the 200 different diving positions, buoyancy skills, fin kickcs, etc. Skills are skills, and are perfected with practice, not a one weekend course. What will be nice is someone telling me what I can improve on as opposesd to hearing someone rant and say...your bouyancy sucks b/c you have never seen a true DIR diver...fix it.
Well, that is just appalling. Her business should do *real* well with an attitude like that. Her expectations of her customers are just not reality-based.
The world is full of good people, but it also contains a smattering of weeweeheads. Life is too short to pay attention to the weeweeheads. :D
SueMermaid wrote...
Life is too short to pay attention to the weeweeheads. :D
Yeah, tell the weeweeheads to go to H-E-double-hockey-sticks!

Bad old weeweeheads!



Reminds me of a friend of mine that is teased mercilessly for his use of expletives like "fiddlesticks" and "spitknuckles". :eek:ut:
The LDS IMO has the right to dictate any policy they like and I don't have a problem with them refusing service...right up until she let him sit through 2 hours of training and then turned him away. She deserves all the bad publicity she gets.

The LDS in my home town sucks too. Last summer...a year ago.. I paid up front for a medic diver class(teaches CPR and how to use a defibulator..sp?) it's a prelude to rescue diver. I had also put down a $100.00 deposit on AOW for my wife and I to take. They cancelled the medic class on me twice over a period of a few of months(due to personal reasons on the part of the owner/instructor). I decided to just get my CPR from Red Cross so I could take rescue diver. I got the DM working at the shop to refund my money on the rescue class.

Over the rest of the summer, they cancelled the AOW on us twice as well due to personal reasons on the owner's part. The whole summer passed and I wasn't able to get one additional certification.

Late last fall (after diving season was over) I went in to get my $100.00 deposit on the AOW and the DM said that the owner wouldn't let him refund my deposit. The DM said I had to get the refund directly from the owner..(I guess he got in trouble for refunding my medic class money). No problem except that the owner is never there. He's there for a while each day during weekdays and never on weekends..and now I've noticed they are closed on Sundays. Makes it pretty hard for someone who works fulltime to get their deposit.

It's been a year now and they still have my $100.00. They Suck! I'm going to try to get the DM to give me credit on fills or something so I can get my money back somehow. Needless to say I'll never spend another dime on gear or training at this shop.

It basically boils down to an owner who is getting close to retiring and selling his shop, and just doesn't give a rat's ass about what kind of service he provides to his customers. He's just biding his time until he finally decides to give it up and walk away. TexasMike (an old moderator on the Scubaboard) can vouch for me on the service the LDS provides here in Denton...I'm not the only one who gets treated this way at this shop.

If you are a reputable shop, more power to ya. Come set up shop in my town and I'll never buy online again. If you do business like the LDS in the subject of this thread or like the LDS in my hometown..then, like Mike Ferrara said in sarcasm, You'll can shrivel up and die and I will be nothing but happy!

Lets see.. given a choice between no LDS and a LDS that tries to basically steal my money without giving me ANYTHING in return.....I say let'em die!..Good riddance! I'll drive to Dallas.
So, what is to stop a LDS from doing the same "grey-market" purchasing and pricing of an on-line retailer but offering it in their shops. If the market is so bizarre being an "authorized dealer" then why not pick and chose what you want to carry as an "unauthorized dealer"? If you combined the fantastic service and the on-line pricing (which in many cases seems to be pricing which is simply not bound by the price restricting structure of the manufacturers).

I guess what I'm trying to figure out is this...if the "on-line" retailers have changed the rules of the game to suit their business models, what prevents the local LDS from changing the rules in a similar manner themselves. You'd think if enough shops stopped playing the game, eventually the business practices would be forced to change.

I've also never understood manufacturer's price "fixing" and discount structures at retail...they get paid the same regardless of what the retail is. If someone wants to sell for $5 more than what it cost them...why stop them. If someone wants to double or triple their profit margins...go ahead. Since manufacturer's care about volume, you'd think the more they sold the better. Let the market decide what an item is worth.
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