Kicked out of Nitrox Class!!

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metridium once bubbled...
Question for NEW: Since the shop unilaterally terminated the contract, wouldn't a refusal to return all deposits in cash equivalents be actionable?

With the understanding that I'm not admitted in Texas, that this post is intended for discussion only, that it does not create or otherwise imply an attorney-client relationship and that people reading this post are advised to consult competant counsel admitted to practice in their jurisdiction.

IMHO, yes (don't you love it when the disclaimer is longer than the answer).
scubaroyster once bubbled...
From Northeastwrecks:

Remember the customer knows what they want, give it to them unless it is inappropriate. They want the easier jacket, give it to them. They want better prices, give it to them. They want exceptional service, give it to them. They want instruction without high pressure sales tactics, give it to them. If you don't, they WILL take their dollars elsewhere.

This Judy lady sounds like a real weinner.. er.. I mean winner.

Even if you give them all the things Northesastwrecks talks about, customers will take their dollars elsewhere. I had 2 students that came in and bought around $1000 worth of equipment. Everything going except major equip. They show back up the next week with all their gear wanting a refund. They found gear they liked better on the internet. Ok..they got their refund, got into class then got pissed at me because their new gear wouldn't fit properly and I wouldn't loan them the gear they had just returned for pool training. NO, I am not trolling or kidding. I did tell them their proper sizes so they could return their gear and get a proper fit. I let them borrow my spare mask to show them the difference in what they had and what they needed. Now they are pissed because we didn't invite them to join our dive club. Customers are almost always right but occasionally you have some that you'd like to gave a right,... up side the head.
Lead_carrier once bubbled...

This Judy lady sounds like a real weinner.. er.. I mean winner.

Even if you give them all the things Northesastwrecks talks about, customers will take their dollars elsewhere. I had 2 students that came in and bought around $1000 worth of equipment. Everything going except major equip. They show back up the next week with all their gear wanting a refund. They found gear they liked better on the internet. Ok..they got their refund, got into class then got pissed at me because their new gear wouldn't fit properly and I wouldn't loan them the gear they had just returned for pool training. NO, I am not trolling or kidding. I did tell them their proper sizes so they could return their gear and get a proper fit. I let them borrow my spare mask to show them the difference in what they had and what they needed. Now they are pissed because we didn't invite them to join our dive club. Customers are almost always right but occasionally you have some that you'd like to gave a right,... up side the head.

You got toasted/hosed/crapped on/etc. I can't say I blame you...while I do most of my shopping on the internet, and what little I have purchased comes mostly from there, anything I have ever bought in a dive shop I have never had a problem with. Part of the premium I suppose, but I would never take something back (esp. 1K worth of stuff) and say I want a refund b/c I just found xyz for 400$ cheaper....if I did, I would chalk it up to my own stupidity for not researching the buy first. Frankly, you are too nice to have given them a total refund...if I were you I would have matched half the difference in price... (eg. if they found the total gear set-up for 600 bucks, that would be a 400$ difference, I'd give 'em 200$ credit for classes and such)
Want to know the really funny part Big-T? I showed them on paper that the money they saved actually cost them more. If a student has problems our LDS pays the instructor to do extra sessions with a student. This was one or the rare exceptions that we make to that policy... They actually spent about $200 more than they orginally paid our LDS.
Funny thing, I didn't even feel for charging them extra for the extra sessions.

The only difference was that the money went into my pocket and not the dive shop.
She (the LDS owner) was wrong (too bad) - but she had her reasons, and I can admire her for having conviction to stand on what she felt was morally right (I happen to agree with Mike on this in many - not all - ways).

It really is comical how people gravitate to stuff like this - looking at the "legal" and "moral" rights for the consumer. It's really a product of a litigious consumer oriented society. In this case the customer couldn't really care less about the shop or the employees there as they are truly more interested in saving a few bucks (nothing wrong with that). Everyone hide behind an excuse (or two) and is less than honest. What would we do without the LDS? Why won't the LDS's strive to end any implied tyranny from the manufactures (at least publicly try - but maybe they are afraid to end those supplier relationships)? Service businesses are typically quite lucrative - why not focus your efforts on the sales of instruction, and help them find the right gear on LPro for a small fee (maybe they don't have a PC and you can let them use yours).

I don't have the answers, but I buy 80% of my (and my families) gear at my LDS where we get instruction, support, and community. I also buy from LPro when I can't get a product I want due to stock or availability. Chuck has no problem with that (like my Citizen Dive watch). He knows he can't be all things to all people - and doesn't try. Good! That's knowing your specific market group you target to. Because of his excellent advice and a typical 10-15% (clearance items are really great discounts!), I shop with him, and I know he'll always be there for me (he's been in business for over 20 years).

Everybody get real and hang onto your convictions. Don't bash other for having theirs. The market place will take care of itself and whatever happens, we can all take credit for the results (we are all players in this game).
ok, first of all let me say that scubaroyster is the most anally safe diver i have ever met. He would never do anything even marginally unsafe or stupid. I do not know domino22 but i do know judy personally. She used to be a nice funny person. She certified my wife and myself to dive. We did buy all of our gear from her because we did not know any better. If I am not mistaken it was about $4200.00 dollars. It made me sick when I saw how much it was on the web. When we first started going there she was very pleasant and nice . Her business was booming. Since then she has had issues that she has chosen to ignore. She has made some bad economic decisions that have have hurt her fiscally. The main reason that she has not come on to defend herself is because of one of my favorite statements which is. My mind is made up do not confuse me with the facts. She told me once when i was in her store and a lady was asking questions (which in judys mind were either dumb or wasting her time) she looked at me and said that people should just hand their credit cards to her and she will give them what they need. That was the begining of the end of our relationship. Other issues that have not been brought up are about her being bent in Truk Lagoon. She to this day says that she had anything but being bent. Ever since then she has become more angry and hateful. Judy if you are reading this I remember what you looked like in that bed after you were bent also remember that oxygen dose not cure a stroke it cures the bends. Hang in there royster pm me i have some pics to send you.

ps Yes i do find it funny that she hates on line sales but yet she does it herself. In the words of sheryl crow Isn't it ironic
She sounds like a complete idiot.
cajundiver once bubbled...
In the words of sheryl crow Isn't it ironic

I think the artist you were looking for is Alanis Morissette.

I don't think these stories of this one particular person are necessary, they probably border on libelous.
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