Kicked out of Nitrox Class!!

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I am not the only one with stories there are other people on the sidelines that she can still affect their life. Also I didn't accuse her of anything i just spoke the truth. and you are right I suck at names
I know that I said that I was done with the thread, and I pretty much am, I just wanted to say...

Judy sounds like a total nut job from the posts.


Isn't it ironic how the two supporting posters are both anonymous with self-admitted axes to grind with the LDS owner are both are essentially one post wonders. Is everyone from that part of Texas a lurker on this board or just happened to come across this messageboard all at the same time, and at the fortuitous time to contribute to this thread?

Both of them also have a very similar style of typing/writing/sentence structure/punctuation. Actually the original poster as well. Perhaps it's a coincidence, or because they knew each other or grew up in the same area and thus and simply an artifact of their common education? Not that I feel their posts accurate or inaccurate due to this. Simply, for me, they do not contain enough substance to be anything but hearsay contributions from an unknown/anonomous person or people.

Anyway, I don't see how the LDS owner's dispute with her ex-instructors style of teaching (justified or not), or of her possibly getting "bent" on a trip have anything to do with the first poster getting kicked out of a Nitrox class.
first of all what axe do i have to grind. Secondaly any one that knows myself and the royster know that we are not the same person. It also shows a pattern of her attitude going bad over the last couple of years. I am glad that you see she is a nut. Also if you have the read whole board you would see that domino22 originally posted the fact that she threw him out because he had bought his gear online and then he was attacked saying that he had an axe to grind. I am just helping his point by mentioning some of the things that i have witnessed about her change in mental state like going from being nice to a nutcase. No we are not lurkers. We were sent an email and we are now letting each other know about it. While I am at it I don't know where roy grew up but i can tell you that we did not grow up together so you might want to sharpen your observation skills about peoples writing. One question why do you think she has not come on here to defend herself?????????? My apologies to royster for being compared to my level of typing
I try to support my LDS as often as I can. If I need help with fit or questions answered I go to them and buy from them. When I know what I want and can get it much cheaper online then I do that.
That's the root of the issue, I don't know you, scubaroyster or domino22. I don't know this Jane person. I don't know why she isn't posting, and frankly I don't care. If she, someone who claimed to be her, or any supporters of hers came to post, I'd have the same issues of credibility that I have with you all. The ones posting the "facts" or opinions, if they are extra ordinary, damaging to someone reputation, are in my opinion (assuming they care to be believed) beholden to be more convincing than one post/one thread anonomous people. If they don't care if people believe them then they don't have to do squat.

And you all do have a wierd combination of run-on sentences, sentence fragments, using periods instead of commas and other quirks that are together fairly unique. I never said that you were scubaroyster, simply that the conincidence was amazing and was trying to attribute it to a common (bad) education system. Possibly a bad assumption but one I thought of because since you both know each other and live in the same area/go to the same dive shops? Now that you mention it, how do I know that you aren't Scubaroyster? Anyway, if you don't know Domino, who sent you the emails to come by here and post? Was it Scubaroyster? Who sent him the email to come by and post? If you are such good friends/divebuddies with Scubaroyster, why do you need him to PM you for the pictures? Wouldnt you have just sent them directly via email because that's how you normally communicate with him?

No need to get all torqued up, I'm just trying to get what would be IMHO credible/verifiable proof of Domino's Scubaroyster's and your various assertions before I feel that I can agree with your versions of the various "Judy is a horrible person" stories.
runvus4 once bubbled...
That's the root of the issue, I don't know you, scubaroyster or domino22. I don't know this Jane person. I don't know why she isn't posting, and frankly I don't care. If she, someone who claimed to be her, or any supporters of hers came to post, I'd have the same issues of credibility that I have with you all. The ones posting the "facts" or opinions, if they are extra ordinary, damaging to someone reputation, are in my opinion (assuming they care to be believed) beholden to be more convincing than one post/one thread anonomous people. If they don't care if people believe them then they don't have to do squat.

And you all do have a wierd combination of run-on sentences, sentence fragments, using periods instead of commas and other quirks that are together fairly unique. I never said that you were scubaroyster, simply that the conincidence was amazing and was trying to attribute it to a common (bad) education system. Possibly a bad assumption but one I thought of because since you both know each other and live in the same area/go to the same dive shops? Now that you mention it, how do I know that you aren't Scubaroyster? Anyway, if you don't know Domino, who sent you the emails to come by here and post? Was it Scubaroyster? Who sent him the email to come by and post? If you are such good friends/divebuddies with Scubaroyster, why do you need him to PM you for the pictures? Wouldnt you have just sent them directly via email because that's how you normally communicate with him?

No need to get all torqued up, I'm just trying to get what would be IMHO credible/verifiable proof of Domino's Scubaroyster's and your various assertions before I feel that I can agree with your versions of the various "Judy is a horrible person" stories.
Look when I told what happened to me it was the truth I was there and it left me dumbfouned I could not believe what she did. I thought about the rest of the night and told every one at work the next day they could not believe it ether. So that afternoon I decided to tell my story on this site. And what I said is what happened. At that time I did not know scubaoyster but as of a couple of day's ago I now know him so you are way off,and wrong about that.And also let me say I have met alot of other people now because of my post and you are in the minority handfull of people that question the truth about what happened. I have been contacted privately by so many people who are aware of this shop and tactics your disbelief is ok hey you have your own mind so you come to your own conclusions even if your wrong.Sorry for the poor puntuation and spelling.
From Runvus4: ...Simply, for me, they do not contain enough substance to be anything but hearsay contributions from an unknown/anonomous person or people...

Please check out the definition of hearsay. I believe domino22, cajundiver, and myself conveyed what each of us actually experienced. I don't believe we are repeating anything that we heard was said.

The advantage of a forum like this, we can each look at the small pieces to put together a bigger picture.
I is sorry that us from the ignuant south arent as edumacted as youns from new yolk city we were just arguin the facts and you have to attack our smartness what is wrong can you not handle a disscussion without attacking people how wonderful must it be to be so smarterest than us dummies in the south bet ya didnt vote for bush either what it must be like to support a loser.
Hey Boudreux, I bet 'dats u. R u da cajundiver. I kin tell u writn ane time.

Opps! I better let someone else type. My grammer might give me away.
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