Kicked out of Nitrox Class!!

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Wyno once bubbled...

It's easy to be loyal when you get perks the way you do.

I would guess that most LDS are not like the one you go to. We have five LDS in my area and none treat us the way yours does and some know less about dive equipment then I do and I'm new to diving.

Well we provide all those things but people forget about it when it comes time to spend money. Now they just expect us to be here to do it. they give not thought to who is paying for it.

You really have to feel it to know what its like to spend hours tuning saome one up in the water or being in the process of doing a little repair for free or letting them use your fill station and notice an expensive new piece of gear hanging on their rig that you didn't even know they were in the market for. I'm guessing that getting hit in the head with a ball bat would be nicer. I've never done it but believe me it's very tempting to just tell them to get lost. Other than a lot of work that I don't get paid for anyway I would loose what?
I am just one of many reqular customers that supports one out of four dive shops in the Calgary area. I am treated fair, I have been given free fills and have not been charged for small items such as O rings, zip ties and din covers and 1st stage plugs. Two weeks ago I went in to pick up a couple of Nitrox tanks that I had in for VIP. I wasn't charged for the VIP but only the fill ($ 8.00 cdn for 36%). In feb I bought a new Apeks DS4 and TX 50 second for $480.00 cdn, IMO an excellent price. I bought a spare mask, a Shadow for $56.00 cdn in April, again an excellent price.

I bought a second hand AL40 cylinder on consignment from them for $175.00 cdn c/w din valve and current VIS (3 years left on the hydro) and he O2 cleaned my USD Arctic 1st and 2nd stage for free. The story goes on.... How about open water Cert. All gear (incld mask, fins, snorkel) and course material for $199.00 cdn.

They know that I shop around and as long as they are competitive I will continue to deal with them for training and the bulk of my future purchases. They have been in buisness for over 10 years and are making a good living at it, so I know they are not *giving* away the product or the training.

There are good dive shops with good instructors out there
Big-t-2538 once bubbled...
Some particular things I am interested in are gear config, diving physiology, and maybe even diving rescues. I am by no means an expert on any of these and I want to know more...
What will be nice is someone telling me what I can improve...

This is exactly why I am taking the DIR F class in a week and why I switched from the PADI LDS to the LDS run by a GUE instructor. I feel that this is the place to spend my training dollars to learn to be a more competent, safer diver. BTW - I don't think the agency has as much to do with it as the instructor, but the comments about DIRF being what a good OW class should be are right on.
Question...I don't know...are there any "buying groups" for Scuba Dealers?

In my business field the independent dealers band together (kinda like Tru-Value or Ace Hardware) to present the manufacturers with lets say 1000 dealers. They then negotiate based on supplying 1000 dealers, not just each individual dealer cutting their own individual contract. The pricing is then based on a much larger volume to the manufacturer and in many cases the product selection available to the "buying group" is way better as they can be set-up with almost any vendor that they want. No dealer is fully bound to support the program but they have a definite interest in it in terms of selection and pricing.

There are then one of two scenarios set-up. Either the buying group has a distribution center which then re-ships to the dealers or alternately the manufacturers ship direct to the dealer based on higher minimum orders. can either pay a bit more from the local warehouse or pay less but buy in a bit larger volume.

Is there anything at all like this in the Scuba industry?
You also need to take into account the small business person.
I worked in a video store a looooong time ago, (before the internet). We rented tapes and sold hardware. Tape rentals was a good business, but the sale of hardware kept the store afloat.

We offered expert advice and installation. What was usually the case, was that someone would come in and get that expert advice and then go off to a Best Buy type discounter and buy it. Then they would come back and have the audacity to ask us how to hook it up.

I am certain that is not what happened here, but that is part of what the LDS is giving you for that extra money.

The internet provides great pricing, they have no overhead, but they will never offer the support that a live person does when they are showing you how to use your equipment.

Remember, when the internet drives the LDSs out of business the only place to get trained will be on line. Can't wait until I get my first on-line dive buddy.:rolleyes: :bonk:
First post, just could not resist. Read this thread and guessed what shop this was before you posted the name of the shop and owner/instructor. I used to work for this shop for a very short time (3 mo). I got yelled at & screamed at for not selling enough. If you didn't teach class the way she wanted it, forget the finer points of learning the course skills, she got pi**ed. She made some of my students feel obligated to purchase from her, and I was pressured if they didn't. That's the way she operates, and hopefully the reason her business will fold, someday. If it wasn't for the doctors and airline pilots with disposable incomes greasing her palm with the credit cards, I'm sure she would already be gone.

Because of her personal problems; I don't work there anymore or do any business with her. Neither do about 20 or so former employees and customers who all enjoy a close relationship and have formed a non-shop affiliated scuba club. She forgets that forming a positive relationship with her customers yields a profitable customer network. Our club is all united in directing our contacts away from her shop.

Now I work for another Ft Worth dive shop where this isn't the case. We sell cheap instruction in "hope" to get the opportunity to sell you some gear. We discount everything as low as the manufacturer will allow. If you choose to buy gear elsewhere, we look for other opportunities to do more business with you. Repeated trips to the store still means some sales. And some sales are better than no sales. Sooner or later, you're going to like our service and see the value of a good LDS.
zippy once bubbled...
Remember, when the internet drives the LDSs out of business the only place to get trained will be on line. Can't wait until I get my first on-line dive buddy.:rolleyes: :bonk:

As long as the only diving you do is cyber-diving...
zippy wrote...
The internet provides great pricing, they have no overhead...
Of course they have overhead...more so than the average LDS in the case of online ops like Extreme Exposure, Lloyd Bailey's, and Simply Scuba, which are also LDSs. It's how they spread the overhead that counts.

zippy wrote...
Remember, when the internet drives the LDSs out of business the only place to get trained will be on line.
It'll also be skating season on the Plains of Acheron.

I.e., it ain't gonna happen.
metridium once bubbled...

I.e., it ain't gonna happen.

So tell me, how many independent video stores do you have where you live? How many independent appliance stores?

How many travel agents have closed in your area?

One should never say never.
zippy wrote...

So tell me, how many independent video stores do you have where you live? How many independent appliance stores?

How many travel agents have closed in your area?
1. Several. Not that I use them.
2. At least two that I can think of.
3. No clue. Still some around, though. Don't use them either.
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