When we came in a few days ago, a lady looked at my printed customs form closely, as if looking for something specific, then decisively said we will need to inspect all your bags and pointed to the table. No red/green button. She didn't even look at me so I'm wondering if they are doing something like going by last number of serial number, say "today all numbers ending in 1 or 5 get inspected"?
Weird. You do look suspicious.
Seriously was it after the xray? I have had that where the bags look weird. Bring someone a shrink wrapped stack of canned chicken once and see.
The first trip this year, the xray lady said 'Do you live here' We said 'Yes we have a home here.' She yelled down the line 'they live here' and we were waived on through.
I did remember the one trip to do the customs thing online before hand. That was nice to just hand them the sheet.
No one knows why it works the way it does....