Now I don't know what to say! Let me try my best! Please indulge me ( beer burp).
ZzzKing, Congratulations! You sir, are given a pass on any insults, anomolies or missed events that may/may not occur over the next, . . . . . . hmmmm . . . . . . . three months. Understood. Pass given.
Dee and Beast, I suppose you are given passes too, I mean considering who you are and all. I do hope you join the group though. Remember, get back to the reservation. Off the reservation is bad. I can say that
I am American Indian.
Seriously, hope to see y'all (notice proper Texan grammar), back in the group some time soon.
Did someone say Broken Bow ??
Or Murray
(Note that I particualarly like either of those places -- thanks Frank)
Let's all get together and have fun! Trust me on this. It'll be fun! Trust me.
In the mean time, I miss Cozumel