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I saw your email on just chatting about anything and wanted to write. I am also in South Alabama and just got certified in August 2008. I have one dive under my belt. WOW! I am getting NITROX certified this month and getting all the gear I need to start going on my own. Do you have any WOMEN's gear preference's or good places to go on the Gulf coast? I would appreciate any advise from an expericenced diver.
Welcome to diving and to SB teracota3!! Wow!! As far as gear you will get so many answers (and arguments) but let me tell you my experience. I started with a jacket BC (very expensive SeaQuest Diva). From there I went to a DiveRite transpac. From there I went to a DiveRite transplate and backplate and wing. I am in love with the transplate, b/p and wing. Contrary to what some believe, I have never had mine turn me face down in the water. I was able to drop about 4 lbs of lead from my weights just going from a bulky bc to a streamlined bp/wing setup. Don't buy aluminum tanks!! The steel tanks weigh about the same (depending on which size you get) and they are negatively buoyant. When I went from a jacket bc and aluminum tanks to a bp/wing and a steel tank, I was able to drop 10 to 12 lbs of weight and I now wear no weights which makes the dive so much more comfortable. It also makes your trim in the water better because with the weight distribution on your back you swim in a horizontal position which is a much more efficient way to swim. As far as regs and computers, there are many to choose from. I own 3 Atomic Z2's and love them. They breathe easy and have a superior warranty. As far as dive computers, I love my Suunto Cobra but there have been issues with them. My son and I both own one and both have had to be replaced by the manufacturer. The less you can rely on a computer and the more you can learn about gas management the better. Since I have begun doing some tech diving, I now use a DiveRite Duo which is not air integrated. The main benefit of using a computer over tables/depth gauge/bottom timer/SPG is a computer will account for depth changes and tables will not. You will lose bottom time with a table because you have to assume max depth for non deco time. Wetsuits and their thickness are dependent on the water temp where you will be diving and a mask, snorkel and fins are usually more a matter of personal preference and what you find most comfortable.
There is a lot of diving in this area from commercial boat ops, beach diving and springs. The Deep Dixie Divers have several group get togethers during the year and everyone is welcome to come to them and the threads with all the information is found under the trips/local market sub-forum. Before buying equipment and doing like a lot of us and buying something and then deciding that is not what you really want, rent, borrow or go to demo days where the manufacturers allow you to try the equipment before you buy.

Now, anyone else may feel free to jump in and give their recommendations also :)
Dang EGG, Thats a long response. All that I will say to TC3 is Welcome to Scubaboard and there is plenty of free/cheap shore diving in your area. PC and Destin jetties are only a short drive for you. EGG will tell you, We dive those sites a lot. Hope to see you there someday.

PS. Dont miss Springfest at Vortex in April. Its a great chance to meet a ton of divers from all over the southeast and see EGG try dancing.
Now Snep, she did ask about WOMEN's gear preferences so that leaves you out. :D

And she is also welcome to dance with me at any given dive function. Just beware, there will be documented evidence. :wink:
Docc!!! Don't forget I owe you a spanking for your transgressions!! :wink:

You will get lots of advice on gear. I too went from a jacket BC to a BP/W. But gear choices are really what feels comfortable for YOU and the kind of diving you intend to do. For those of us who dive overhead and caves, along with OW, then the BP/W is the better choice. For OW, any jacket BC will be fine. If you get a weight integrated jacket, please get one with CLIPPED in weight pockets vs just velcro. I have lost my weight pockets on my BC due to the velcro coming unsecure at depth. These are just a few things you need to keep in mind. Just try a few in the water and see what feels the best, and whose safety features are easiest for you to use.

I definitely hope to meet you one day and especially at Vortex for the mega dives!


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